例句 |
He's a Conservative to the core.他是个彻头彻尾的保守分子。He is a bred-in-the-bone conservative.他骨子里就是一个保守分子。He is neither a radical nor a conservative; he is somewhere in between.他既非激进派,亦非保守分子,而是多少介乎两者之间。The conservatives are opposed to any change.保守分子反对变革。The suggestions were bitterly opposed by the conservatives.这些建议遭到保守分子的激烈反对。He is known as a dyed-in-the-wool conservative.他被认为是彻头彻尾的保守分子。He is a sound Conservative, not a narrow or prejudiced one.他是个头脑清醒的保守党人,不是个心胸狭窄或抱有偏见的保守分子。 |