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词汇 week
例句 Try to do this exercise at least twice a week.争取每天做两次这种运动。All entries must be in by next week.所有参赛作品必须在下周之前提交。The kids have run me ragged this week - I'm glad they're going back to school tomorrow.这一星期孩子们可把我累坏了——他们明天就要回学校上学了,我真开心。Last week, the price of food jumped.上星期食品价格突涨。We'll have some more guide books in next week.我们店里下星期会增加一些指南书。I've already had one telling-off from Dad this week.这星期我已经被爸爸训斥过一次了。She's on the night shift this week.她这星期上夜班。There are whispers that the actor was seen checking into a hospital last week.有传言说上周有人看见那名演员住进了医院。I bought a handbook of English grammar last week.上星期我买了一本英文文法手册。He arranged for me to go down to London one day a week.他安排我每周去伦敦一天。I've written the report and will type it up next week.我已经写完报告,下周把它打印出来。I used to drink a bottle of whisky a week but I never touch it these days.我以前一个星期喝一瓶威士忌,但现在滴酒不沾。Let's get together. I'll be in town next week. 我们聚聚吧,我下周会去你住的镇子。The manager was getting it in the neck every week despite winning most of his games.主教练每个星期都挨训,尽管大多数比赛他都赢了。A government conscription act was passed last week.上星期通过了一个政府征用法案。These supplies could feed a small army for a week.这些补给可供一小支部队维持一周。The instructor crammed a lot of information into one week.老师把大量教学内容赶在一周之内全讲完了。The way things are going, I should be finished by next week.从现在事情进展的情况来看,我下周就会完成。Harvard meets Yale next week in football.下星期哈佛队将和耶鲁队进行橄榄球赛。She was injured in last week's match.她在上周的比赛中受了伤。Two skinheads were put on trial for those murders last week.上周两个光头党成员因为那几宗谋杀案而被带上法庭受审。Said he'd pop back some time next week.据说他会在下周的什么时候回来。Keep a count of your calorie intake for one week.把你一星期的卡路里摄入量记录下来。She pranged her mother's car a week after she passed her driving test.她通过驾照考试一周后就把她母亲的汽车撞坏了。We had a cold snap last week.上周我们这儿突然冷了一阵。The case was adjourned for a week.本案休庭了一个星期。They had their electricity reconnected last week.上周他们恢复了供电。It looked as though the college would have to shut, but this week it was given a reprieve.这所大学看起来要关闭了,但这周情况暂时有所缓解。The renewed violence this week hardly augurs well for smooth or peaceful change.本周新一轮的暴力事件预示着顺利平和的转变几乎不可能实现。The week seemed to flash by.这一周似乎一晃就过去了。Students are required to attend prayers twice a week.要求学生每周参加两次祷告。The plants should be watered every day for the first week and twice a week thereafter.这些植物第一个星期应该天天浇水,以后一周浇两次。Not much has been happening in the news this week.这周新闻没有多少事情发生。You can't imagine what a terrible week we had.你想象不到我们经历了多么可怕的一个星期。Fiat launched a new model last week.菲亚特公司上周推出一款新车型。The coast has been battered by torrential rain all week.整整一周,大雨在沿海地区肆虐。I'm going on a business trip to Japan next week.下星期我要去日本出差。I get spammed with text messages several times a week.我每周都收到几次垃圾短信。The weather is expected to settle towards the end of the week.天气预计会在周末时稳定下来。She said she'd seen him last week and he was alive and kicking.她说上周见过他,他还生龙活虎的。




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