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词汇 延迟
例句 Diplomats believe that bureaucratic delays are inevitable.外交官们认为繁文缛节造成的延迟是在所难免的。All the shows started late because of the news bulletin about the bombing.由于有爆炸事件的特别报道,所有节目都延迟播映。There was a delay of several seconds.有几秒钟的延迟Landslides set the construction job back many days. 滑坡使建筑工作延迟了许多天。Serious complications have delayed his release from hospital.各种严重的并发症延迟了他的出院。If he offers you a job, you should accept it cold turkey and without any delay.如果他给你一份工作,你应该立即接受不要有任何延迟Processing of even large files without noticeable delay– because encryption and decryption are done "on the fly".处理甚至很大的文件而没有显著的延迟,因为加密和解密是动态完成的。We may have to defer payment for a week.我们也许得延迟一周付款。An unbearably tense delay followed before the result was announced.宣布结果之前有一段延迟,气氛极其紧张。Reform of these laws is overdue.这些律法的改革被延迟了。He backed a provision that would allow judges to delay granting a divorce decree in some cases.他赞成一项允许法官在一些情况下延迟作出离婚判决的法律条款。The delay was totally unnecessary.这一延迟完全可以避免。He had no inkling of the cause of the delay.他对延迟的原因一无所知。The ambulance service is trying to reduce delays in response time.救护服务组努力减少响应时间的延迟Although the tests have caused some delay, flights should be back to normal this morning.虽然检测造成了一定的延迟,不过今天早上航班就应该能恢复正常了。The lift-off was delayed about seven minutes.起飞延迟了约七分钟。Their plans have been put on indefinite hold.他们的计划被无限期延迟There have been a lot of complaints about delays in issuing passports.大家对延迟签发护照怨声鼎沸。As bad luck would have it, there was a thick fog the next day and our flight was delayed.不巧的是第二天有大雾,我们的航班延迟了。The fire has put back the opening of the theatre by several months.火灾使剧院的开业延迟了好几个月。This announcement follows months of inaction and delay.这个声明是在数月的不作为和延迟后发表的。The project is pretty much on budget and only a little behind time.这个项目预算控制得很好,进度上也仅仅有一点点延迟It won't hurt to postpone the meeting for a few more days.会议再延迟几天也无妨。I advise suspending judgment until the investigation is over.我建议延迟判决,直到调查结束。The delay created a domino effect , disrupting deliveries around the country.这次延迟引起了多米诺效应,影响了全国的运送任务。These small delays can cumulate and become a problem.这些小的延迟累积起来可能成为一个大问题。Heavy snow delayed the start of the game.大雪迫使比赛延迟开始。Desires are nourished by delays.延迟助长欲望。Delayed sleep phase pattern can cause problems with schooling and work.睡眠相位延迟的情况可能给工作学习带来一些问题。Red tape has delayed the progress of our program.官僚作风延迟了我们计划的进展。There's been a slight technical hitch, so we'll have to postpone the video until later.发生了一个技术性的小故障,因此我们得延迟播出这段录像。Companies are put off investing in poor areas because of the meagre pickings to be had.因为没什么油水可捞,各公司都延迟了在贫困地区投资。He showed no irritation at the delay.他没有因为延迟而显得烦躁。The concert has been postponed to Saturday.音乐会延迟到星期六。Because of the bad weather, the voyage was put back twelve hours.由于天气恶劣而延迟了十二小时启航。




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