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词汇 俄罗斯人
例句 Russians observed a day of mourning for the victims.俄罗斯人为死难者举哀一天。Many Russians feel a kinship with their fellow Slavs, the Serbs.许多俄罗斯人对他们的斯拉夫伙伴塞尔维亚人有认同感。Every Russian knows the allegorical novel The Master And Margarita.每个俄罗斯人都知道《大师和玛格丽特》这本讽喻小说。The two Russians evidently knew each other.那两个俄罗斯人明显彼此相识。Far sooner than anyone thought possible, the Russians exploded an atomic bomb.俄罗斯人爆炸了一颗原子弹,时间上比任何人预料的都大大提前了。According to the Secretary of State, the Russians face no threat from an expanded NATO.根据国务卿的说法,俄罗斯人不会受北约组织扩张的威胁。The Russians proposed a treaty banning all nuclear tests.俄罗斯人提议签订一项全面禁止核试验的条约。Russians were the dominant national grouping in the Soviet Union.俄罗斯人是苏联的主要民族。She largely held off the Russian's challenge.她总体上抗住了俄罗斯人的挑战。Most Russians are preoccupied with matters close to home, their economic conditions in particular.大多数俄罗斯人都关注着关系到切身利益的事情,尤其是经济状况。The Russians were now ahead of them in space research.俄罗斯人目前在太空研究方面领先于他们。Both the Americans and the Russians are anxious to avoid conflict in South Asia.美国人和俄罗斯人都迫切希望避免在南亚发生冲突。He has managed to crystallise the feelings of millions of ordinary Russians.他弄清了百万普通俄罗斯人的感受。Russia reverenced music more than any other nation on earth.俄罗斯人比世界上任何其他民族都更加尊崇音乐。They're Russian by birth but they've lived in America for so long that they feel little attachment to their homeland.他们是俄罗斯人,但已经在美国住了很长时间,对故乡的感情很淡了。Three-quarters of Russians live in cities.四分之三的俄罗斯人住在城市里。This enabled the Russians to obtain Cuban sugar at bargain rates.这使得俄罗斯人能够以低廉的价格买到古巴的蔗糖。The Slavophiles believed in the inherent virtue of the Russian people.亲斯拉夫的人相信俄罗斯人具有内在的好品质。




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