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例句 A comic scene follows by way of relief.随后便是一个作为调剂的喜剧场面。His only previous conviction is for parking on a double yellow line.他唯一的前科便是把车停在了双黄线上。I was out of fashion and that was the score.我不合时尚,那便是症结所在。Another discouragement, for a child without any linguistic ability, was the use of Irish as the medium of instruction in the school.对于没有任何语言能力的孩子而言,另一件使人泄气的事情便是学校里用爱尔兰语教学。One of the ways people experience loss is when relationships don't work out.人们会感受到种种失落感,恋情没有结果时的失落感便是其中之一。Americans are a generous people: witness the increase in charitable giving, even during the recession.美国人是个慷慨的民族:即使是在经济萧条时期慈善捐赠也在增加,这便是明证。Then came those magic moments in the rose-garden.接着,便是那些在玫瑰园里的奇妙时刻。One of the car's main attractions is its low price.这种轿车的一个主要卖点便是它的低价格。The resulting offspring of that marriage is Nokia's lumia line of phones.诺基亚非凡系列手机便是两家公司联姻的结晶。His success is a testament to his skills.他的成功便是他技艺娴熟的证据。My first act was to run into the bedroom.我做的第一件事便是跑进卧室。Like most homeowners, her house is her biggest capital asset.正如大多数房主一样,她的房子便是她最大的资产。My earliest memories are of my mother bending over my cot to kiss me goodnight.我最早的记忆便是母亲在我的小床旁弯着腰吻我,并与我道晚安。Everything is black and white to Bill; if you're not his friend, you are his enemy.在比尔看来,一切都是绝对的,你不是他的朋友,便是他的敌人。The road dived into an opening.路到尽头,便是一块空地。When we think of adventurers, many of us conjure up images of larger-than-life characters trekking to the North Pole.一想到探险者,我们很多人脑海中浮现的便是长途跋涉前往北极的非凡人物形象。Carrie laughed out loud, and there was an awkward silence.卡丽大声地笑了出来,接着便是一阵尴尬的沉默。The programme aroused strong feelings - witness the number of letters received.这个节目激起了强烈的反响——来信的数量便是明证。As his career attests, he is a world-class tennis player.他是世界一流的网球选手,其职业生涯便是最好例证。When I told her the secret, I let the genie out of the bottle.我把秘密告诉她的时候,便是一系列不可控恶果的开始。Our fondest hope is that our children will be happy and healthy.我们最大的希望便是孩子们幸福健康。A good rule of thumb is that a portion of rice is two handfuls.有个方便实用的估算方法,即两把生米便是够一人吃的量。Out of these narrow streets, one emerges on to a spacious square.走出这些狭窄的街道便是一个宽敞的广场。It was one of those ideas that change the course of history.便是那些能改变历史演进的观点之一。Anybody who enjoys this is a masochist.以此为乐的人便是自虐狂。From that it followed logically that he would not be meeting Hildegarde.由此,他不去见希尔德加德便是顺理成章的事了。The decision is justified on the grounds that there is no realistic alternative.既然没有其他现实的选择,这个决定便是合理的。Lack of insurance is a problem for a lot of older people, like my grandmother, for instance.没有养老保险困扰着很多老年人,我的祖母便是其中之一。The post office is down the line a few blocks.往前一直走过几条街便是邮局。One of poetry's functions is to unlock the imagination.诗歌的功能之一便是开启想象力。His words were followed by a pregnant pause.他说完后接著便是意味深长的停顿。Her first big step towards a career in movies was her move to Hollywood.她演艺生涯的第一大步便是到好莱坞去发展。June comes immediately after May.五月一过便是六月。To those who think in black-and-white terms, a person is either entirely good or entirely bad.在思想绝对化的人们看来,一个人不是完全地好,便是彻底地坏。Besides ability, the other essential element in political success is luck.政治上的成功除能力以外,另一个必不可少的因素便是运气。When you move your leg toward the midline of the body, you are using adductor muscles.当你将腿向身体中部移动时,使用的便是内收肌。A pair of wooden beams was the only thing supporting the roof.一对木横梁便是唯一支撑房顶的东西。He had been the victim of a friend's practical joke that had gone wrong.他的一位朋友搞恶作剧捅出了大娄子,他便是受害者。As we entered, the sense datum wafted to me was the horses were there.我们进去时,我的第一个直觉便是那几匹马在那儿。Some artists have to be handled with kid gloves and Jake thinks Lotte is one of them.有些艺术家得小心谨慎地对待,杰克认为洛特便是其中之一。




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