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词汇 beetle
例句 After six weeks, the larva emerges as a fully-grown beetle.六周以后,幼虫长成了一只发育成熟的甲虫。He crushed the beetle deliberately, which is very typical of him.他有意把那只甲虫碾碎,只有他才会这样做。Many species of beetle live underground.很多种甲虫生活在地下。A beetle began to crawl laboriously up his leg.一只甲虫开始费劲地顺着他的腿往上爬。The beetle's front wings are small and are not used in flight.甲虫的前翅很小,不是用来飞行的。The eradication of the beetle has led to a five-fold increase in crop yields.消灭甲虫使庄稼收成增加到五倍。I picked up the beetle carefully between finger and thumb.我用食指和拇指小心地捏起甲虫。The beetle is thought to be a European import.这种甲虫被认为是从欧洲传进来的。The beetle burrows beneath the elm's bark.甲虫在榆树皮下面钻洞。A beetle was rolling a pellet of dried dung up the hill.一只屎壳郎正在把一个干粪球往山上滚。The beetle wheels his droning flight.甲虫嗡嗡作声地绕着圈子飞。




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