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例句 The early warning system has had some success; for example Pacific coast residents get four hours notice of a potential earthquake.这个预警系统是有一定作用的,例如,如有可能发生地震,太平洋沿岸地区的居民能提前四小时接到警报。Opiate drugs, like pethidine, mimic natural pain-relieving chemicals.含鸦片的药物,例如哌替啶,可起到类似天然止痛化学物质的作用。Some students enter other professions such as arts administration.有些学生加入了其他行业,例如艺术管理。Some unincorporated areas of counties become their own cities, such as Malibu and West Hollywood.郡内一些独立的区域后来自己成为了城市,例如马里布和西好莱坞。Carole goes in for such typical schoolgirl pastimes as horse-riding and watching old films…卡萝尔喜欢一些女生常玩的娱乐活动,例如骑马、看老电影等。They were made to listen to white noise, such as static of the sort you might pick up between radio stations.他们被迫听白噪声,例如在调电台时可能听到的那种静电噪声。Trigonometry concerns the functions of angles, such as sine, cosine, and tangent.三角学研究的是角的函数,例如正弦、余弦和正切。Car manufacturers are looking at alternative sources of energy such as hydrogen fuel cells.汽车制造商们正在寻找其他能源例如氢燃料电池。I kept to safe subjects, like the weather.我只谈一些无关痛痒的话题,例如天气。Many countries, for example Mexico and Japan, have a lot of earthquakes.许多国家,例如墨西哥和日本,经常发生地震。Some industries, such as shipbuilding, clearly profited from the war.某些行业,例如造船业,显然从这场战争中获利了。Prisoners are allowed no personal possessions such as photographs of their families.囚犯不准保留任何私人财物,例如家人的照片等。Contact sports such as football and boxing allow a temporary regression into primitive aggression.身体接触的运动项目,例如足球和拳击,容许人们暂时退回原始性的攻击。Jesus Christ was said to have performed miracles like turning water into wine.据说耶稣基督展示了奇迹,例如把水变成葡萄酒。With major life traumas, like losing a loved one, the mind's first reaction is denial.人生遭遇巨大创伤,例如失去心爱的人时,头脑的第一反应是拒绝接受。We need to rethink the way we consume energy. Take, for instance, our approach to transport.我们需要重新考虑我们使用能源的方式,例如我们的运输方式。You will need some form of identification, such as a driver's license.你会需要个身份证明,例如驾照。They learn important life skills, like overcoming fear.他们学会了很重要的生活技能,例如克服恐惧。Murder, theft and tax evasion, for instance, all have different motives and consequences.例如,谋杀、盗窃和逃税,它们都有不同的动机和后果。Women workers place more importance on intangibles such as a sense of achievement.女性员工更看重无形的东西,例如成就感。Our discussion included topics such as acid rain and the melting of polar ice.我们的讨论涉及各种话题,例如酸雨和极地冰层融化。She had committed various minor offences, like breaking road-traffic regulations.她曾有各种轻微违法行为,例如违反道路交通规则。Other good buys include cameras and toys.其他例如照相机和玩具也很划算。Give details of relevant work experience during the last two years, e.g. weekend or holiday jobs.请详细列出最近两年内相关的工作经历,例如周末兼职或假期打工。The doctor may prescribe an SSRI such as Prozac, Zoloft, or Paxil.医生可以开选择性血清素再吸收抑制剂的处方,例如百忧解、左洛复、克忧果等。Her doctor said she should eat more foods that are high in calcium, such as milk and cheese.医生提醒她应该多吃含钙量高的食物,例如牛奶和奶酪等。Make sure you eat foods that contain protein, e.g. meat, cheese, fish, milk, or eggs.一定要吃含蛋白质的食物,例如肉、乳酪、鱼、牛奶或蛋。Things are getting better. Last year, for example , the company achieved record sales in Europe.情况正在好转。例如,公司去年在欧洲销售创下了纪录。The channel is trying to reduce its obligations to produce public service broadcasting such as religious programmes.这一频道试图减少其播出公共传播节目的义务,例如宗教节目。Some of the most disturbed children had witnessed really traumatic things, such as rape and murder.有些心理极不正常的孩子曾经目睹过给他们造成精神创伤的事情,例如强奸和谋杀。The channel is trying to reduce its obligations to produce public broadcasting such as religious programmes.这一频道试图减少其播出的公共传播节目的义务,例如宗教节目。A classic example is Apple-Macintosh losing out to Microsoft.例如苹果公司输给微软,就是很典型的例子。The test involves simple calculations, such as addition and subtraction.测验包括一些简单的运算,例如加法和减法。Fine Arts is a generic term for subjects such as painting, music and sculpture.美术是多门学科的通称,例如绘画、音乐和雕塑。The case is likely to have wider implications, for example those affecting press freedom.这个案件可能有更广泛的影响,例如对于出版自由的影响。The teachers' meeting deals mostly with housekeeping issues such as lunchtime supervision duties.教师会议讨论的主要是一些杂务,例如午餐监督职责等。Fashion gurus dictate crazy ideas such as squeezing oversized bodies into tight trousers.时尚专家提出的疯狂想法,例如把肥胖的身体塞进紧身裤里。Many countries, for example, Mexico and Japan, have a lot of earthquakes.许多国家,例如墨西哥和日本,经常发生地震。He showed her several electronic gadgets, such as a watch that you can use as a phone.他给她看了几种电子小装置,例如可以当电话用的手表。There are many sources of air pollution; exhaust fumes, for example.空气污染有许多来源,例如废气。




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