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词汇 佯装
例句 He was accused of feigning injury.他被指责佯装受伤。He enjoys playing the martyr. 他喜欢佯装成乞怜者。Hill wilfully ignored the conventions of the banking world.希尔佯装对银行界的常规不管不顾。He is not as simon-pure as he pretends.他并不像他佯装的那样清白无暇。His eyes rounded in mock amazement.佯装惊奇地瞪大了眼睛。The corrupt man dissembled virtue.那个堕落的人佯装有德。He isn't ill. He's just foxing.他没病。他只是在佯装Don't be fooled by them acting all sweet and innocent.别上他们的当,他们那是故作亲切、佯装天真。She greeted him with feigned nonchalance.佯装漫不经心地跟他打招呼。He assumed indifference, although the news affected him deeply.佯装淡定,尽管这个消息实际上已令他深受震动。We can't go on pretending that everything is OK.我们不能再佯装一切都没问题。His self-possession was fictitious.他的镇定是佯装的。We can't continue to pretend that the problem of homelessness doesn't exist in this city.我们不能继续佯装本市不存在无家可归的问题。His shoulders heave with confected mirth.佯装很开心,笑得双肩抖动。Hamlet feigns insanity to disguise his bloody motive.哈姆雷特佯装疯癫,掩饰自己的血腥动机。




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