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词汇 你应该
例句 You should close any open programs/documents before you reboot your computer.在重启电脑之前,你应该关闭所有正在使用的程序/文档。Always carefully consider your own situation and consult other people to see what works best for you.你应该仔细想想你所处的情况,再问问别人的意见,这样才能知道怎样的简历是最适合你的。You should be careful before you do anything rash. Remember, you'll have to live with yourself afterwards.你应该想清楚,不要草率行事。要记住,一切后果都要自负。It will be for you to decide what action you should take.你应该采取什么行动由你自己来决定。You should be more regardful of your father's wishes.你应该更尊重你父亲的意愿。You ought to see a doctor.你应该去看医生。You want to be careful, I think you've drunk too much.你应该小心点,我想你喝得太多了。I think you ought to give football a rest for a time.我认为你应该暂时停止踢足球。You should check your policy to see if you're covered for flood damage.你应该查看一下你的保险单看看是否保了洪水险。That's a nice photo – you ought to have it framed.那是一张很不错的照片,你应该给它装上框。You should eat more, or you'll make yourself ill.你应该多吃点,否则你会生病的。You should ascertain the level of insurance cover from the car rental company.你应该向汽车租赁公司打听清楚保险的范围。You should register with a doctor as soon as possible.你应该尽早到医生那儿挂号。She had no right to talk to you like that. You should go in there and make her take it all back.她无权那样对你说话,你应该进去要她收回她说过的话。You are expected to be an active participant.你应该成为积极的参与者。You should spoil yourself with a day at the spa.你应该去做一次温泉疗养,让自己享受享受。You should bring the matter to his knowledge.你应该将这件事告诉他。If there is an election in your area, you should go and vote.如果你所居住的地区进行选举,你应该去参加投票。You should use caution when operating the electric saw.在使用电锯时,你应该小心谨慎。You should hold the ring while they are arguing about the matter.他们在为那事争论时,你应该不介入为好。I think you should tell her the truth.我觉得你应该把真相告诉她。!You should eat more fresh foods.你应该多吃新鲜食物。I think you should learn to keep your temper on such an occasion.我认为你应该学会在这种场合沈得住气。You should check all your work as a matter of course.你应该按照常规检查一下你所有的工作。You should give your schoolwork precedence.你应该首先完成作业。You should make a will.你应该立个遗嘱。You should have told us. But it's just like you not to share.你应该早告诉我们的。不过你就是这么个人,把事情都藏在心里。You should start painting in an inconspicuous area.你应该在一个没人注意的地方开始画画。You should apply about a year ahead.你应该提前大约一年时间申请。You should sleep more than you do.你应该有更多的睡眠。As a safeguard, you should always carry a torch in your car.作为预防措施,你应该总是在车里放个手电筒。You should refuse to meet anyone who cold calls with an offer of financial advice.你应该拒绝和那些贸然打电话提供理财建议的陌生人见面。You should come across the river with us. Then you will really see what's what.你应该和我们一起过河,那时你就会了解实情了。You are mad, Isabel. You should be locked up.你疯了,伊莎贝尔。你应该被关起来。Perhaps you should adopt a more conciliatory approach.也许你应该采取一种更为愿意和解的态度。You should keep your money in a safe place.你应该把钱放在一个安全的地方。You should compliment her cooking but don't lay it on too thick or she'll know you don't mean it.你应该称赞她的厨艺,但不要过头,否则她会认为你言不由衷。You should plan to arrive at the airport an hour before departure.你应该安排在飞机起飞一小时前抵达机场。You should get the doctor to look at that cut.你应该找医生检查一下那伤口。To make the appetizer, you should use alternating layers of tomatoes and cheese.做这道开胃菜,你应该把西红柿和干酪分层交替摆放。




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