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We'll have to make good that broken lock before we leave the house.离屋前我们必须把那把坏锁修好。A new row has broken out over the government's plans.政府计划引发了新一轮争论。He walked carefully around the broken glass.他小心翼翼地绕开了碎玻璃。He nicked his hand on some broken glass.他被一些碎玻璃割破了手。Only time can mend a broken heart. 只有时间能治愈受伤的心灵。Harold had a broken collarbone.哈罗德的锁骨骨折了。My marriage has broken up. It has made me reclusive and unsociable.我的婚姻破裂了。这让我变得孤僻,不愿与人来往。The engine had a broken crankshaft.发动机的曲轴断了。My concentration was constantly broken by the loud ticking of a clock.时钟响亮的滴答声不时引我分散注意力。Full extension has not yet returned to the broken finger.骨折的手指尚未恢复完全伸直的能力。Boards had been nailed across the broken window.破窗户上钉上了木板。The spirit of our soldiers will never be broken.我们的战士绝不气馁。The church has broken the agreement, by insisting all employees must be practising Christians.教会坚持所有雇员都必须信奉基督教,这一做法破坏了协议。The silence was broken only by a regular drip, drip, drip.唯有嘀嗒嘀嗒的滴水声打破这宁静。My face was covered with bruises and I had a broken rib.我满脸瘀青,还断了一根肋骨。Authorities say they have broken up a major drugs syndicate.当局称他们捣毁了一个大型贩毒团伙。She hugged him, being careful not to touch his broken wrist.她小心翼翼地拥抱了他,以免碰到他折断的手腕。Windows were broken and large trees uprooted.窗被打碎,大树被连根拔起。The peaceful silence of the evening was broken by a sudden shout.突然一声叫喊打破了夜晚的宁静。I thought my wrist might be broken, but it was just a bad sprain.我以为我的手腕可能摔断了,原来只是严重扭伤了。The governments have broken off diplomatic relations.这些政府断绝了外交关系。She was taken to hospital with a broken arm and ribs.她胳膊和肋骨断了,被送进医院。Thieves had broken into the house in broad daylight.小偷在光天化日之下闯入这栋房子。One day when my wife was doing the dishes she cut her hand on a broken glass.一天,我妻子洗碗碟时,被一只破玻璃杯割破了手。I think we've broken the back of the job now.我想我们现在已经攻克这活儿的难关了。Solid rock is broken down by weathering.坚硬的岩石因风化而分解。The city tore the street up to fix a broken water main.市政府把这条街的路面打开以便修好破裂的总水管。Most of the monuments had been broken or defaced.大多数纪念碑都被打碎或者遭污损。Brett got into a fight and finished up with a broken wrist.贝雷特和人打了起来,结果手腕骨折。Cold winds riddle through the broken window.阵阵寒风老是穿过破窗灌进来。Her house was broken into last week.她家上个星期遭窃了。I can't turn on the radio any more because the spindle of the control knob has broken.我再也开不响收音机了,因为控制旋钮的心轴断了。The table is broken good and proper.桌子已经完全坏了。The broken limb must be immobilized immediately.断肢必须立即加以固定。When you get involved in sports, a lot of the racial barriers are broken down.在体育运动中,许多种族隔阂被打破。A few of the cups got broken while we were moving house.我们搬家时有几只杯子被打碎了。I'm sorry to disturb you so late, but my car's broken down and I don't have my phone with me.很抱歉这么晚来打扰你,我的汽车坏了,而且我没有带电话。I ripped my skirt on a broken chair.我的裙子被一把破椅子扯破了。On her return, she found that someone had broken into her apartment.她一回来就发现有人闯入了她的公寓。The fence has two broken slats.栅栏上有两块板条断了。 |