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例句 The writer presents this complex character as a coherent whole.作者把这个复杂的人物刻画成一个完整紧凑的个体。No one ever claimed authorship for the poem.没有人声称过是这首诗的作者He noted on the margin his disagreement with the author.他在书页的空白处写下了与作者不同的意见。A detective writer worth his salt keeps his readers from solving the mystery.一个好的侦探小说作者能让读者对疑案百思不得其解。The author puts a human face on the disease by interviewing people who have it.作者通过采访疾病的患者而使这种疾病更容易让人理解。The writer manages to walk a tightrope between good humor and poor taste.作者在高雅幽默和粗俗玩笑间找到了平衡。The author vets every script for the new TV series.这部新电视连续剧的每一个剧本,作者都要仔细地过目。The story shows a strong narrative gift and a vivid eye for detail.这个故事显示了作者较强的叙事能力和对细节的观察入微。As an unknown author, it isn't easy to get your work published.一个不出名的作者要出版作品很不容易。In the first chapter, the author discusses childcare issues.作者在第一章论述儿童保育问题。If you've never been published before, you're an unknown quantity, so you're going to have difficulty selling your first novel.如果你之前从未发表过作品,你就是一位尚不知名的作者,因此要卖掉你的第一部小说将是有难度的。The authors of the book address themselves to the question of unemployment.该书的作者们致力探讨失业问题。While most bloggers comment on news reported elsewhere, some do their own reporting.大多数的博客作者都是对外界新闻进行评论,但是有的也会自己进行报道。The two authors represent the opposite poles of fictional genius.这两位作者代表了天才小说家的两个极端。Science fiction writers often extrapolate from today's trends.科学幻想小说作者常常从今天的动向对未来进行推断。We shall be interviewing Peter Carey, the author.我们将采访作者彼得·凯里。I enjoyed the book, but I can't remember the name of the/its author.我喜欢这本书,但我记不得作者的名字了。What do you think the writer is saying in this passage?你认为作者在这一段里想说明什么?Usually, the writer's entire trip is comped.一般来说作者全部旅程的费用都是全包的。It's hard to know what the author intended by this phrase.很难知道作者使用这个短语的用意。The writer is very cavalier about the truth.作者无视事实真相。The author deliberately breaks the narrative continuity in order to confound the reader's expectations.作者故意打破叙述的连贯性,以制造出乎读者意料的效果。Agony columnists cannot know everything about your situation.答读者问的专栏作者不可能了解你的所有情况。The author's new book includes some previously published material.作者新书中有些先前出版过的材料。The author's antipathies and prejudices are obvious.作者的憎恶和偏见很明显。The writer must have cranked it out in his lunch hour.作者一定是在午饭时间把它赶写出来的。The name of the author eludes me for the moment. 作者的名字我一时想不起来了。The author's exact meaning is open to question. 作者的真实意图还不明确。The authors emphasized the role of the slave trade in the economic development of the New World.作者们强调了奴隶贸易对新大陆经济发展所起的作用。I've decided to come out of the closet and publicly admit to the authors I have always really liked to read.我决定公开真相,向作者坦承我一直都很喜欢阅读。A book of the author's personal correspondence was published early last year.作者的个人书信集于去年年初出版了。The author has woven an exciting tale of adventure and romance.作者编造了一个激动人心而又浪漫的历险故事。The author weaves into this narrative many entertaining historical facts.作者将许多有趣的史实编进了这一叙述中。The author's experience gave him the qualifications to write this book.作者的经历使他有资格写这本书。The article may not be reproduced without written permission of the author.这篇文章未经作者书面同意不得复制。The book has a preface written by the author.该书有作者写的序言。The author gave various reasons for having written the book.作者给出了写那本书的各种理由。The author was fêted by his publishers.作者得到了出版商的盛赞。The author quotes Stephen Jay Gould, the noted Harvard scientist, to support his theories.作者引用了哈佛著名科学家斯蒂芬·杰伊·古尔德的话来支持他的理论。The deal fell through when the author received a more attractive offer.作者收到了一个更有吸引力的报价,那笔交易就吹了。




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