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This is an oil painting, although I usually work in acrylics.这是一幅油画,虽然我通常是用丙烯酸作画。I like to paint on canvas.我喜欢在油画布上作画。The painter touched the canvas with his brush.那个画家用画笔在画布上作画。He used to spend the summer painting at his country home.以前,每到夏天他就待在乡下的宅子里作画。Today's activity is finger painting.今天的活动是用手指作画。She became very depressed during the barren years when she was unable to paint.在无法作画、作品匮乏的那几年里,她变得非常消沉。He paints whatever his fancy suggests.他作画完全是跟着想象走。The artist has used tiny brush strokes.画家运用纤细的笔触作画。He paints in/with tempera.他用蛋彩画颜料作画。The artist works mostly in pastels. 这位画家通常用蜡笔作画。He took a break from painting to eat lunch, then started in again.他作画中途吃午饭休息了一会儿。之后,又开始画起来。The artist drew a set of grid lines over the area to be painted.画家在要作画的区域画上了一些网线。Several painters were working on a huge piece of canvas which would serve as the scenery.几位画家正在一块用作舞台布景的巨大帆布上作画。Picasso was painting pictures in a Cubist style long before the Cubist movement was born.早在立体主义运动诞生之前,毕加索就用立体派风格作画了。She began to paint with bold, defiant strokes.她开始用遒劲大胆的笔触作画。The film shows the painter going about his task.电影刻画了画家是如何作画的。The kids will finger paint today.今天孩子们将用手指作画。David Fincher paints from a palette consisting almost exclusively of grey and mud brown.戴维·芬彻几乎只用灰色和土褐色作画。He works mostly in oils. 他主要使用油画颜料作画。She sometimes stayed up painting all night in her pursuit of perfection.为了追求完美,她有时会通宵作画。There were artists painting in oils and watercolours.有用油彩和水彩作画的画家。He was painting a huge canvas.他正在一块巨大的画布上作画。If you dampen your piece of paper before you start painting it will be easier to paint evenly.作画之前把画纸弄湿,可以更容易画得均匀些。Fabrics with a close weave are ideal for painting.编织紧密的布最适合作画。She was in her studio again, painting onto a large canvas.她又回到了画室,在一张大帆布上作画。Maggie paints industriously all through the summer.玛吉整个夏天都在勤奋作画。Painting from direct observation has several advantages.通过直接观察来作画有几个好处。 |