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例句 I don't know what moral to draw from all this.我不知道从所有这一切中应得出何种教训。They need to pinpoint exactly what skills are necessary.他们应该准确指出何种技能是必需的。The results you get from weight training are largely dependent upon how you use those weights and what type of exercise programme you follow.举重训练的效果在很大程度上取决于如何使用那些举重器械以及遵照何种锻炼方案。Meanwhile, the domestic debate on Denmark's future role in Europe rages on.与此同时,国内也展开了有关丹麦未来在欧洲扮演何种角色的激烈争论。The Security Council shall decide what measures shall be taken to restore peace and security.安理会将决定采取何种措施来恢复和平与安全。Our choice of activities will likely be dictated by the weather.我们选择何种活动很可能取决于天气。It is wrong for any park to secede part of itself for any reason.不管出于何种理由,将公园割让一部分总是不对的。In the USA you can ring Social Security and ask what help is available.在美国,你可以致电社会保障部询问能得到何种帮助。Lloyds' results were carefully scrutinised as a guide to what to expect from the other banks.对劳埃德银行的业绩进行了仔细分析,以确定对其他银行的表现可以作何种期待。Israel offers automatic citizenship to all Jews who want it, whatever colour they are and whichever language they speak.犹太人只要愿意,均可自动加入以色列国籍,不管他们是什么肤色,不管他们说何种语言。I don't know exactly what he did in industry. But at any rate he got a knighthood for it.我并不确知他在实业界作出过何种贡献,反正他是因此得到了爵位。Any assistance you can render him will be appreciated.无论给予他何种帮助,他都会非常感激。A debate is raging about what form pensions should take.对于应该采用何种养老金形式,一场辩论正在激烈地进行。They should be sceptical of exaggerated claims for what such courses can achieve.对于这些课程能够有何种成效的夸张宣传,他们应该持怀疑态度。The Security Council shall decide what measures are to be taken.安理会将决定采取何种措施。The working of his limbs revealed his disease.四肢抽搐说明他患的是何种疾病。It's the business of the individual to determine his own attitude towards religion.对宗教持何种态度是个人的事情。The jury is still out on what kind of solutions we might undertake.尚未确定我们可能采取何种解决办法。Most of us would maintain that physical attractiveness does not play a major part in how we react to the people we meet.我们大部分人坚持认为我们对遇到的人作出何种反应并不取决于其外在的魅力。Exactly what form the industrial action will take is not yet known.究竟会采用何种方式的劳工行动,尚不得而知。Researchers are looking at how a mother's health can affect the baby in the womb.研究人员正在观察母亲的健康会对子宫中的胎儿产生何种影响。The reaction of any individual trauma victim is difficult to predict.很难预测每个人对各自所遭受的创伤有何种反应。However we adopt healthcare reform, it isn't going to save major amounts of money.不管我们采取何种医疗改革措施,都省不下太多钱。By what means does the author attempt to establish the character of the narrator?作者是通过何种途径使叙述者这一角色显得真实的?Decide how your staff should feed back to you.确定员工应以何种方式向你提供反馈。I was unsure of the reaction I would get.我不清楚将会得到何种反应。Consumers place more weight on negative information than on the positive when deciding what to buy.消费者在决定购买何种商品时,更关注负面信息,而不是正面信息。The big Hollywood studios have a lot of power over what kind of films get made.好莱坞的大电影制片厂有很大权力决定拍何种影片。What were the economic consequences of the war?战争给经济带来何种影响?In the USA you can ring Social Security or the Department of Welfare and ask what help is available.在美国,你可以致电社会保障部或福利部询问能得到何种帮助。There is a broad consensus of opinion about the policies that should be pursued.对应当实行何种政策,舆论达成了广泛一致的意见。It's hard to predict how a jury will react.很难预测陪审团将会作出何种反应。It's still far from clear what action the government proposes to take over the affair.政府打算采取何种行动处理该事件仍然十分不明朗。No matter what desires are requited, they are always replaced by others.不管是何种欲望,一经满足,总是又被其他欲望所代替。The proper role of appeal judges is an issue that has long exercised the finest legal minds.上诉法官应当扮演何种角色,这一问题长期以来困扰着那些最出色的法律人士。How does it feel to be a woman of property?作为有产业的女人有何种感觉?Tell us when and why you started your business and how you went about setting it up.告诉我们你是何时出于何种原因开办了自己的企业,又是如何着手创建的。Powell remains non-committal about any political ambitions he may harbour.鲍威尔仍未明确表态自己胸怀何种政治抱负。I can't see the implications of a thing like “no-knock”.我看不出这种强行闯入搜捕之事隐含何种后果。The way we choose to bring up children is vitally important.抚养子女选用何种方式是极其重要的。




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