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例句 The kitchen is simplicity itself, relying on a combination of good design, craftsmanship and quality materials for its effect.厨房非常简洁,这有赖于好的设计、工艺及可体现这种效果的上乘材料。Letters represent sounds.字母体现语音。This is democracy at its best.这是民主的最佳体现Her love of nature is expressed in her paintings/music.她对自然的热爱体现在她的绘画/音乐中。It's a sad indictment of society that policemen are regarded as targets.警察被视为攻击的目标,这是世风日下的悲哀体现His latest sculpture is an object of beauty, a masterpiece if you like.他最新的雕刻作品体现了美,可以说是个杰作。The Devil is a projection of our fears and insecurities.魔鬼是我们自身恐惧和不安全感的主观体现New York is the ultimate manifestation of American values.纽约是美国价值观的终极体现His skill lies in his ability to communicate quite complex ideas very simply.他的能力体现在能将复杂的思想用非常简单的方式表达出来。He incarnates the nation's political ideals. = The nation's political ideals are incarnated in him.他身上体现了这个国家的政治理想。His article incorporates all his thinking on the subject.他的文章体现了他对这个题目的全部想法。This fresco is typical of the painter's early manner.这幅壁画典型地体现了那位画家早期的风格。This change is neatly illustrated by what has happened to the Arab League.这种变化鲜明地体现在阿拉伯联盟所发生的事件上。They chose a name descriptive of the company's philosophy.他们选择了一个体现公司理念的名字。Stewart is the objective correlative of the Middle-American ideal.斯图尔特是体现美国中产阶级理想的典型。Her turns of mind are revealed in her journals.她的思想方法体现在她的日记中。The fusion of different cultural influences is evident in her sculpture.不同文化的融合在她的雕塑作品中有明显体现The vote was a show of solidarity.这次选举体现了团结精神。This building epitomizes the spirit of the nineteenth century.这幢建筑体现了十九世纪的时代精神。Her poem is expressive of calm days and peace of mind.她的诗歌体现了静谧的时光以及平和的心境。The coach was a masterpiece of Teutonic engineering.这种长途汽车是体现德国工程设计水平的杰作。In Constantinople was expressed all the life and culture of Byzantine Empire.君士坦丁堡体现了拜占庭帝国的全部生活和文化。Her work is executed with impeccable taste.她的作品体现了无可挑剔的品味。The flowers and tears at the funeral were a measure of the people's love for her.葬礼上的鲜花和泪水体现了人们对她的爱。The company car is an outward symbol of the employee's status.公司配车是员工地位的外在体现The present voting system distorts the wishes of the electorate.现行的选举制度不能体现选民的真实意愿。That song really captures the spirit of the times.那首歌真正体现了时代的精神。His attention to detail shows in the quality of his work.他对细节的关注体现在他作品的品质上。The arrangement was more a formality than a genuine partnership of two nations.这一协定与其说体现了两个国家之间真正的伙伴关系,还不如说是一种形式。The initial impact of the reforms will be felt most keenly in primary schools.改革的影响会最先在小学中明显体现出来。Every day, we hear that the IT industry is booming, but where's the real evidence of that?我们天天都听说信息技术产业蓬勃发展,但是具体体现在哪里呢?The writer's dreams find a shape in his novel.作者的理想在他的小说中得到体现The anxiety of the separation often expresses itself as anger towards the child for getting lost.离散带来的焦虑常常体现为对走失的孩子发火。The treaty was a triumph of statecraft. 这个条约是国务外交才能的体现Their religious beliefs are manifested in every aspect of their lives.他们的宗教信仰体现在了生活的各个方面。At any rate, Grace Kelly's cool and sublime bearing was on fine display here.至少,格雷丝·凯莉沉着超然的风采在这里有了很好的体现Accepting the lower salary was seen as an important measure of commitment.能够接受低薪被认为是奉献精神的重要体现The spirit of hope is embodied in the character Anna.希望的精神体现在安娜这个角色身上。The coach was a masterpiece of Teutonic engineering.这种长途大巴是体现德国工程设计水平的杰作。Burke's arrogance seems to typify this government's approach.伯克的傲慢似乎典型地体现了该政府的态度。




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