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Her son still hasn't been able to find a job.她儿子仍未能找到工作。I've been unable to find any reference material on the subject of interracial adoptions.有关不同种族间收养孩子的题目,我未能找到任何参考资料。We can't find a match for this ornament.我们未能找到和这件匹配的装饰品。Despite numerous attempts, I have been unable to find a job.尽管尝试了很多次,我还是未能找到工作。Police canvassed the neighborhood, but didn't find any witnesses.警方走访了这一地区,但未能找到任何证人。They failed to find any trace of the runaways.他们未能找到逃跑者的任何踪迹。We couldn't discover anything specific, but there was definitely some sharp practice going on.我们未能找到具体证据,但他们肯定在搞什么不正当的交易。Reporters have been unable to locate the mayor for his comments.记者们未能找到市长请他发表意见。He can't find a market for his skills.他未能找到施展才干的地方。The minister criticized the police for failing to come up with any leads.部长批评警方未能找到任何线索。 |