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词汇 admissions
例句 The college has a highly selective admissions process.这所学院的入学选拔过程很严格。The Republican candidate's admissions about his failure to pay taxes cost him dearly.该共和党候选人承认自己没有缴税,这一坦白让他付出了惨痛代价。The committee will investigate the rise in the number of hospital admissions.该委员会将对住院人数增加一事进行调查。The school has a policy of open admissions. 这所学校的招生政策是开放性入学。There has been an increase in hospital admissions for alcohol-related conditions.医院收治与酒精相关的病患有所增加。He made some startling admissions about his past.他坦白了自己过去一些令人震惊的事。We have already seen an increase in the level of emergency admissions.我们已经留意到了急诊人数的上升。Reduced admissions are available for young children.有为幼童提供的减价票。The college relies on test scores in its admissions process.这所大学录取程序的依据是考试成绩。Cinema admissions have been rising.看电影的人一直在增加。Each school sets its own admissions policy.每所学校制定各自的录取政策。The whole university admissions procedure has been simplified.大学的整个录取手续都简化了。Some have criticized universities for their admissions policies.有人批评大学的招生政策。Emergency admissions to the hospital are given top priority.医院优先处理紧急入院的病人。An institution with a need-blind admissions policy needs to be able to provide financial aid.院校如果在录取新生时不考虑学生的支付能力,那就必须能提供财政援助。Changing the college admissions criteria will have a serious effect.改变大学的入学标准将产生重大的影响。The college has a very selective admissions policy.那所学院的招生政策很严格。




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