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词汇 伯明翰
例句 Birmingham is now going to be redeveloped again.伯明翰现在又要重新建设了。Do pay us a visit next time you're in Birmingham.下次你来伯明翰一定要来看看我们。Birmingham's namesake in Alabama亚拉巴马州内也叫作伯明翰的地方A return ticket to Birmingham, please.请给我一张去伯明翰的往返票好吗?Kevin is with a firm of accountants in Birmingham.凯文在伯明翰的一家会计师事务所工作。The centre of Birmingham was crowded with shoppers.伯明翰中心到处是购物者。Birmingham has been described as a matrix of small workshops.伯明翰被描绘成一个小作坊网络。She returned to London after her secondment in/to Birmingham.被借调去伯明翰工作一段时间之后,她又回到了伦敦。The venue for the show is Birmingham's National Exhibition Centre.这次展览的场馆在伯明翰国家展览中心。The airport at Birmingham will act as a feeder for Manchester and London.伯明翰机场将作为去曼彻斯特和伦敦的中转航空港。I think Birmingham City are prime candidates for relegation next season.我认为下个赛季伯明翰城队最有可能降级。She returned home to Birmingham.她回到伯明翰的家。As we all know, Birmingham has been crying out for a venue for local bands for several years.我们大家都知道,伯明翰几年来一直急需一个本地乐队的演出场地。I grew up in a quiet neighborhood of Birmingham.我在伯明翰一个宁静的街区里长大。He is now locked in battle with Birmingham City Council.他正在与伯明翰市议会进行顽强的斗争。Perhaps we should now send a deputation to Birmingham.或许我们现在应该派一个代表团去伯明翰I think he thought of himself as a country gentleman and was like a fish out of water in Birmingham.我想他认为自己是一名乡绅,在伯明翰就如离水之鱼一般浑身不自在。She was seconded to the Birmingham office for six months.她被调往伯明翰的办事处待六个月。There's plans to make Birmingham city centre pedestrianized.有计划将伯明翰市中心改造为步行区。If I've got to go somewhere I may as well go to Birmingham.如果要去什么地方,那就去伯明翰吧。Birmingham City supporters will be absolutely gutted if he leaves the club.他要是离开俱乐部,伯明翰城队的拥护者将会大失所望。Passengers for Birmingham should sit at the rear of the train.前往伯明翰的乘客应坐在列车的后部。His son came up with me to Birmingham every day on the train.他儿子每天跟我坐火车去伯明翰I had a whale of a time in Birmingham.我在伯明翰度过了一段非常快乐的时光。Managers at their factory in Birmingham hold a two-hour teleconference with head office in Stuttgart every day.伯明翰工厂的经理们每天和位于斯图加特的总部举行两小时的电话会议。I think they live Birmingham way.我认为他们住在伯明翰那一带。He's got a lectureship in English at Birmingham University.他在伯明翰大学做英语讲师。Birmingham Bullets are at home to Kingston.伯明翰子弹队在主场与金斯顿队对阵。Two men will appear before Birmingham magistrates' court today charged with possession of arms with intent to endanger life.两名男子今天将在伯明翰地方法庭受审,他们被控持有武器,企图危害他人生命。The Birmingham meeting is one of the most prestigious events in the racing calendar.在这项竞赛的年度日程表上,伯明翰站的比赛是最负声誉的比赛之一。David Speedie, on loan from Southampton, scored his first goal for Birmingham.从南安普敦转借来的戴维·斯皮迪为伯明翰进了他的第一球。Birmingham comes out tops for quality of life in a new survey.一项新的调查显示伯明翰在生活质量上非常出色。Tudor Court represents your opportunity to locate at the heart of the new Birmingham.都铎宛,您在新伯明翰中心区置业的好机会。You'll be transferred to the Birmingham office.你将被调到伯明翰办事处。Flights operate every day from Birmingham.每天都有来自伯明翰的航班。Birmingham isn't a particularly beautiful city.伯明翰不是一个特别漂亮的城市。Fast work by the police in Birmingham had started producing circumstantial evidence.快速开展工作的伯明翰警方已经开始发现间接证据。Neil had been at a prize giving ceremony at a school in Birmingham.尼尔之前在伯明翰的一所学校参加颁奖仪式。The Birmingham Royal Ballet has had a highly successful season.伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞团这一季的表演获得了巨大的成功。A return to Birmingham, please.请给我一张去伯明翰的往返票好吗?




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