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词汇 伟人
例句 She was marked out for greatness.她注定会成为伟人He was a colossus, a legend.他是一个伟人,一个传奇人物。His best approach to the great man lay through a mutual friend.对他说来,要接近那位伟人,最好的办法是通过一个双方都认识的朋友。Homer was a great man of antiquity.荷马是一位古代伟人He was a truly great man.他是一位真正的伟人He was summoned to a meeting with the great man, in inverted commas.他被召唤去会见这位所谓的伟人He was a great but flawed man.他是个有缺点的伟人Several people made speeches in honour / honor of the great man.几个人发表演讲纪念这位伟人Florentine churches entomb many great men.佛罗伦萨的教堂是许多伟人的安葬之处。Thomas Jefferson was a man of great stature.汤玛斯‧杰佛逊是一个高超的伟人He found it both interesting and instructive to learn about the careers of great men.他觉得了解伟人的生平既很有趣又有教益。Some of the great men came out of nowhere.有些伟人来自不知名的小地方。What we like the most about the great man is his modesty.对那位伟人,我们最喜欢他的谦虚。Some very great men have come from ignoble families.有些伟人出身低微。He is famous for his portraits of many great personages.他以所绘的许多伟人肖像画出名。All his life the great man was animated by love of his country.这个伟人一生的作为都是受了爱国心的驱使。Rothermere commended Baldwin to his readers as a great man.罗瑟米尔向他的读者推荐鲍德温,称他是一位伟人It's exciting to think that so many great men and women have made speeches on this spot.想到那么多伟人曾在此地发表过演说,真让人激动。The Washington Monument was built to perpetuate the memory of a great man.华盛顿纪念碑的建立是为了永远纪念一个伟人If he'd of lived, he'd of been a great man.假如他活着的话,他也许会成为一位伟人They are great men — to me doubly great because they are direct and kind.他们是伟人,而我倍觉他们的伟大,因为他们直率而亲切。He has the stuff of greatness. 他有当伟人的潜质。The great man is said to have been born in a crude hut.据说那个伟人生于一个简陋的小屋里。Bogart has got to be one of the all-time greats.博加特定会成为有史以来的几位伟人之一。She was evidently marked for greatness.她注定会成为伟人Over the years she insinuated herself into the great man's life.这些年间她费尽心机一步步地走进了这位伟人的生活。




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