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词汇 摸了摸
例句 She fingered the beautiful cloth.摸了摸这块漂亮的布。She put her hand under the seat and felt around, but couldn't find anything.她伸手到座位底下摸了摸,但什么也没有找到。The doctor felt his head.医生摸了摸他的头。She lightly touched his forehead.她轻轻地摸了摸他的前额。She felt his forehead. Perhaps he had a temperature.摸了摸他的额头,他可能发烧了。The man touched the peak of his cap.那名男子摸了摸他的帽舌。He passed his hand over the fabric.他用手摸了摸那织物。She touched her wet fingertips to her parched lips.她用湿润的指尖摸了摸干燥的双唇。The colonel rubbed his fat stomach, reaching for something from the table to put into his mouth.上校摸了摸自己的胖肚子,伸手拿起桌上的食物放进嘴里。She fingered her necklace.摸了摸自己的项链。He rubbed his hands over the soft bristles of his crew cut.他用双手摸了摸他平头上柔软的短发。He touched the boy's forehead. It was burning hot.摸了摸男孩的额头,烧得烫手。He ran his hand over his stubble.他用手摸了摸胡子楂。Sam felt his forehead.山姆摸了摸前额。The nurse felt his forehead to see if he had a fever.护士摸了摸他的额头,看看他是否发烧。She felt the fabric to see if it was wool.摸了摸面料,看是不是毛料的I felt her hand and it was ice-cold.摸了摸她的手,冰凉冰凉的。Beth reached out and touched his cheek.贝丝伸出手摸了摸他的脸颊。The man touched the peak of his cap.这个男人摸了摸他的帽舌。I felt the soft flesh of his cheek.摸了摸他脸蛋上软软的肉。The doctor felt to see if he had a pulse.医生摸了摸看他是否有脉搏。




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