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词汇 休息
例句 He rested from his labors.他停下工作休息She returned to her job after a six-month break.休息了六个月后,又回去工作了。He is resting and his face is up.他正仰着脸在休息His day is evenly divided between work and relaxation.他一天的时间一半花在工作上,一半用于休息Ken slackened his tie, ready now to relax.肯松开领带,准备休息I must go because I don't want John to worry. Not to mention the fact that I need to go to bed early tonight.我必须得走,因为我不想让约翰担心。更何况我今晚还真得早点休息Crawford had been ordered to take a day's rest after pulling a leg muscle.克劳福德腿部一块肌肉拉伤了,被吩咐在家休息一天。She sounded quite chirpy, all she needs is rest.她之前听起来兴高采烈的,她需要的只是休息The doctor left after giving instructions that she should rest as much as possible.医生嘱咐她要尽量多休息后就离开了。Can anyone relieve Tammy? She's been on duty for ten hours without a break.谁能接替塔米?她已连续值班十小时没有休息过了。The board continued their meeting after a short break.稍作休息之后,董事会继续开会。I'm sorry, but Miss Lee is resting and can't be disturbed.抱歉,李小姐正在休息,不能打扰。Let's break for lunch. 咱们休息一会儿,吃个午饭。He's been working too hard and some time off would do him a power of good.他工作一直太辛苦,休息一段时间会对他大有好处。He was restored to health by good medical care and plenty of rest.良好的治疗和充分的休息使他恢复了健康。A week in the mountains should recharge my batteries.在山里休息一个星期,我的精力应该能恢复过来。She thought of taking a day off work, but resisted the temptation.她想休息一天不上班,但还是抵制了这个诱惑。He can come back to work when he's feeling better, but meanwhile he should be resting as much as possible.他感觉好一些时就可以回来工作,但在此期间他应该尽量多休息While you rest, the muscles will mend themselves.休息的时候,肌肉会进行自我恢复。She's never relaxed, she's always on.她这个人从来也没有休息的时候,总是忙个不停。I pulled off the road for a rest.我把车驶向路边休息了一会。Rest helps a cold.休息可以让感冒好得更快。I think I'll just rest up for an hour or two before starting work again.我想我只要休息一两个小时,就可重新开始工作。They had stopped by a spring to refresh themselves.他们曾在一处泉边停歇休息He set down the bag and rested for a while.他放下袋子,休息了一会儿。She took a day off to recuperate.休息了一天,恢复体能。Bobbie said that Murry could rest now if he cared to.博比说如果默里愿意的话,他现在可以去休息了。Stop for a while and take a rest.停一会儿休息休息At his time of life he should be starting to take things easy.在他这个年纪他应该开始休息放松了。Sunday I just try to relax because Monday morning, it's back to the rat race.星期天我尽量休息,因为星期一早上又要没完没了地奔忙了。What I need is some rest and relaxation.我现在需要的是休息和放松。At last she managed to have a well-deserved rest.她终于得到了完全应得的休息He could have stopped to rest but he pushed on.他本可以停下来休息,但他还是坚持走了下来。The boss put the kibosh on overlong breaks.老板不许休息时间过长。He had a tea-break about twelve.十二点左右,他放下工作休息了一下。She says she has no time for relaxation.她说她没时间休息Taking time out to relax each day is important during pregnancy.怀孕期间每天稍作休息放松一下是很重要的。The cast took a break from their gruelling schedule.演员们在累人的工作日程中忙里偷闲,休息了一会儿。You rest too little.休息得太少了。I'm tired and need to sit down for a spell.我累了,需要坐下来休息一会儿。




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