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词汇 质量
例句 The quality of English wines can now compare with wines from Germany.现在英国葡萄酒的质量可以和德国的相媲美。He's been very unhappy and depressed recently, and his work has definitely gone down.最近他快快不乐,工作质量也明显下降。The greater the mass of an object, the greater its gravitational pull.物体的质量越大重力也就越大。He promised a move upmarket and a drive to improve service and quality.他承诺挺进高端市场并改善服务和质量They put quality after quantity. 相对于质量,他们更加关注数量。We pride ourselves on the quality and thoroughness of our work.我们为我们工作的质量和仔细周到感到自豪。The better tennis racquets are made out of tough but extremely flexible graphite.质量较好的网球拍是用坚硬而极富弹性的碳素制造的。The question is not the fatality of a disease, but quality of life of the sufferer.问题不是疾病的致命性,而是患者的生命质量I knew it was a huge gamble, buying the stuff without seeing it, but I just knew it would be good quality.我知道没看见那东西就买下来是在冒很大的风险,但我就知道它的质量是很好的。Other moves that degrade credit quality are increasing dividend payments or share buybacks.其他降低信用质量的举动正使得股息支付或股票回购增加。Mass, unlike weight, is invariable.与重量不同,质量是不变的。The quality of her work has been only fair.她的工作质量一直只是一般。This product is a notch above its competitors in quality and price.这个产品在质量和价格上都比同类产品高一个档次。His loss began a chain of uneven performance.他不在了以后,演出质量便一直时好时坏。A famous old name on a firm is not necessarily a guarantee of quality.公司悠久的品牌并不能确保商品的质量The quality of his work has been going down.他的工作质量一直在下降。When costs are cut, product quality suffers.降低成本就会损害产品的质量Teachers should take pride in improving the display work in their classrooms.教师应当为提高教室里展出作品的质量而自豪。I think "Sesame Street" is still the gold standard for preschool television.我觉得《芝麻街》仍然是衡量学龄前儿童电视节目质量的标尺。Years of mismanagement have eroded the quality of their products.多年来的管理不善慢慢地毁掉了他们产品的质量We tested several products for quality and durability.我们测试了几款产品的质量和耐用性。Both products cost the same, but there is no comparison between them.这两种产品价格相等,但质量不能相比。It is a failing school with some of the worst results in the city.那所学校教学质量不达标,有些成绩是市里最差的。Customers were placing more importance on quality than simply on cost.顾客越来越重视质量,而不仅仅是看重价格了。Each home boasts an unprecedented level of quality throughout.每家的质量都堪称一流。We always guarantee the best quality to our customers.我们一向向顾客承诺最好的质量We don't accept just any students.我们不收质量平平的一般学生。A clearly quantifiable measure of quality is not necessary.没有必要对质量进行明确的定量测量。Police officials blamed the deaths on the shoddily made apartment building.警方将死因归咎于公寓大楼质量太差。What quality accommodation you get depends on how much you're prepared to pay.住宿条件质量如何要看你愿意出多少钱。Japanese cars are so reliable.日本产的汽车质量非常可靠。If location and quality are added together, the result is the perfect residential package.综合考虑地段和质量,结果就是这个完美的住宅方案。We're trying to sell the furniture, such as it is.我们在想方设法卖掉家具,虽然家具质量不是太好。Consumers are demanding high-quality DVD playback.消费者要求高质量的数字影碟播放。When heavy atoms are split in this way some loss of mass occurs.当重原子这样被分裂的时候,就会发生质量的减少。The speech highlighted the importance of improving education in rural communities.这个讲话强调了提高乡村社区教育质量的重要性。The prices were a tad above average, but they're of the highest quality.价格比平均水平略高,可它们的质量是最好的。People are concerned about the quality of the air they breathe.人们很关心他们所呼吸的空气的质量He was unhappy with the quality of the food.他不满意这饭菜的质量Vermouth, aromatized wine, is becoming popular in its own right.味美思芳香酒凭其本身的质量正日益成为大众爱饮的酒。




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