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词汇 伏特加
例句 Vodka is a type of spirit.伏特加是一种烈性酒。He oiled thought with more vodka.他灌下更多的伏特加来促进思考。Water reduces the potency of vodka.水能降低伏特加的浓度。Did she still wince over a swallow of vodka?她喝伏特加还皱眉头吗? It's just vodka with orange juice and a dash of lime juice.就是橙汁加伏特加,再加少量的酸橙汁。Vodka has acquired an upscale image in the US.伏特加在美国已树立起高档商品的形象。Vodka is the base for many cocktails.伏特加是许多鸡尾酒的主要成分。Oscar, much the worse for vodka, did a striptease.奥斯卡喝了伏特加后醉醺醺地跳起了脱衣舞。The drink of choice seems to be vodka.最受欢迎的酒似乎是伏特加Taggart debated whether to have yet another double vodka.塔格特琢磨着是否再来一杯双份伏特加Don't pretend you haven't put vodka in my drink - I can taste it.别假装你没在我的饮料里倒入了伏特加,我喝得出来。I'll have one more glass of vodka. Make it a double, please.我再要一杯伏特加。请给我双份的。He was drinking vodka straight from the bottle.他直接用酒瓶喝伏特加Gin, vodka, whisky, beer - you name it, I've got it.杜松子酒、伏特加、威士忌、啤酒——随你点,我这儿都有。He plied me with vodka all evening.他整个晚上不停地给我倒伏特加His lemonade is spiked with vodka.他的柠檬水里搀了伏特加It was either whisky or vodka – I forget which.不是威士忌就是伏特加,我忘了哪一个了。He drinks far too much. On one occasion I saw him drink a whole bottle of vodka.他酒喝得太多了,有次我看到他喝了整整一瓶伏特加He needs some more vodka to spice up the punch.他还要一些伏特加作为香料放入潘趣酒。Taggart debated whether to have yet another double vodka.塔格特思忖着是否再要一杯双份伏特加I'll have a straight vodka please.请给我来一杯纯伏特加No tonic for me, please, I like my vodka straight.请不要给我加奎宁水,我喜欢喝纯伏特加




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