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I just prayed that he would stop firing.我只有在心里企盼着他会停止射击。She's praying for a chance to play in the game.她企盼能有机会参加这次比赛。He longed for the winter to be over.他企盼冬天早日过去。We're praying for good weather tomorrow.我们企盼明天是个好天气。The house seemed like the answer to all my prayers. 这栋房子似乎就是我所企盼的。They thought the new principal was the messiah the school had been hoping for.他们认为新校长是学校一直企盼的救星。How successful you are depends on how badly you want to succeed.你能取得多大的成功取决于你对成功的企盼程度。 |