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词汇 任性
例句 I lived in terror of her sudden caprices and moods.她的任性妄为和喜怒无常让我整天提心吊胆。She thought he was being foolish and self-indulgent.她觉得他愚蠢且任性The headstrong recklessness of youth may be fine in some areas, but not behind the wheel of a car.年轻人在一些方面任性鲁莽一点也许没什么大不了,但是在驾车时可不行。Maria was headstrong and rebellious.玛莉娅很任性,而且反叛。The expression around her mouth was petulant.她的嘴角露出一种任性的表情。He was tired of her cross-grained ways.他对她任性的行为实在受够了。A mother I knew was going through a really unpleasant time with a stroppy teenage son.我认识的一位母亲因为十几岁的儿子脾气暴躁、任性叛逆而过得很不开心。His petulance made her impatient.他的任性让她很不耐烦。She's marrying him out of sheer perversity.她嫁给他纯粹是任性Nobody at this club is allowed to behave like a prima donna.这个俱乐部不允许有人任性妄为。He, like so many children, was self-willed and rude.他跟许多别的孩子一样,任性而粗野。She was a headstrong child, always getting into trouble.她是个任性的孩子,总是惹麻烦。She indulged in a fit of temper.任性地发了一通脾气。He's young, very headstrong, but he's a good man underneath.他年青、任性,但骨子里是个好人。Calling them a bunch of capricious kids with half-formed ideas does them an injustice.把他们称为想法不成熟的任性孩子是不公平的。The slow and steady Mr. Smith acts as a balance to his wayward wife.稳当的史密斯先生对他任性的妻子起着缓冲作用。She was a willful child.她是个任性的孩子。Billy is a very wilful little boy who's constantly being punished for not doing as he's told.比利是个十分任性的小男孩,常常因为不听话而受到处罚。Sometimes kids who are described as difficult or wilful just need a little extra love and attention.有时候那些所谓难缠或任性的小孩只是需要多一点的爱和关心。Leo's parents soon found that they were completely unable to control their headstrong son.利奥的父母很快就发现自己根本无法控制这个任性的儿子。He's such a child if he doesn't get his own way.要是不能遂他的意,他就会任性胡来。His only concession to self-indulgence is an extra carton of natural yoghurt.他从不自我放纵,唯一任性的就是多吃一盒天然酸奶。Why give publicity to this self-indulgent, adolescent oaf?.为什么要宣传报道这个行为任性、青春期未满的白痴呢?We are all fed up with his unruliness.我们对他的任性都厌烦了。He was getting more and more pettish and hysterical.他变得越来越任性,动不动就神经质大发作。Uncontrollable children grow into young criminals.任性放肆的孩子会变成年轻的罪犯。In a wayward mood, he ran away from home.任性地离家出走了。She was too rambunctious to get along with.她太任性,很难相处。She developed into a wilful, difficult child.她长成了一个任性而又执拗的孩子。




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