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例句 We are saying nothing until all the details have been finalized.我们在所有具体事项敲定之前不会透露任何情况The rules are to be followed in any given situation.这些规则在任何情况下都要遵守。You can find positives in any situation.任何情况都有好的一面。In no case can we negotiate with a terrorist organization.任何情况下我们都不会和恐怖组织谈判。I'll support you through thick and thin.任何情况下我都会支持你们。Nowadays it is against the law for a teacher to hit a child in any circumstances.现在教师在任何情况下打小孩都是违法的。Racism is wholly unacceptable under any circumstances.任何情况下,种族主义都完全不可接受。I won't give in in any instance.任何情况下我都不会妥协。He was a man of mystery - erased from the history books.他是一个充满神秘色彩的人物——有关他的任何情况都已不见于史册。Under no circumstances should police use violence against protesters.任何情况下警方都不应该对抗议者使用暴力。Nothing has happened to invalidate that analysis.还没有出现任何情况可以否定那种分析。I would never, under any circumstances, agree to do such a thing.任何情况下,我都绝不会同意做这种事。For some days after the scandal broke, the press could find out nothing about him.丑闻传开后的一段日子里,新闻界没了解到他的任何情况In all cases, a photographic record was kept.任何情况下都存有照相记录。Brevity is, in almost everything, a virtue.几乎在任何情况下,简洁都是一种美德。I cannot condone the use of violence under any circumstances.我不能原谅在任何情况下使用暴力。Do not attack him under any circumstances.任何情况下都不要攻击他。I think it's wrong to hit a child, whatever the circumstances.我觉得在任何情况下打孩子总是不对的。If anything crops up I'll give you a ring.如果出现任何情况,我会给你打电话。Nor is acid rain always, and universally, a bad thing.酸雨也并非在任何情况下都是坏事。She stuck through thick and thin.任何情况下她都坚定不移。There is nothing to stay us in our flight.任何情况都不能阻挡我们飞行。Further information is required to determine the correct answer in any given instance.任何情况下,要作出正确的回答都需要有更多的信息。




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