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例句 The countries each sent representatives to negotiate a cease-fire.每个国家分别派出代表协商以求达成停火协议。The two groups will meet next week to try to defuse the crisis/situation/tension.双方将于下周会面以求缓和危机/局面/紧张局势。He was planning to make some kind of dramatic entrance.他正在筹划,以求一亮相便能吸引眼球。He's been dogged by failure for years; now he's working strenuously to pull out.几年来他迭遭失败;现在他正在努力苦干以求摆脱这种局面。They come here to brush up on technology.他们来此以求提高技术。The President offered compromises to parliament to defuse the battle of wills over who should wield power.总统对国会作出让步,以求结束这场旷日持久的权力争斗。He had to monitor the printing and colouring for fidelity.他得监察印刷和着色,以求精确无误。He sought safety in a church. 他去了教堂以求平安。In times of severe recession companies are often forced to make massive job cuts in order to survive.在经济严重衰退时期,公司经常被迫大量裁员以求生存。He was trying to lop some mileage off by going the direct route, rather than the scenic one.他走直路而不走风景好的路线,以求减少些里程数。We want to cut the budget to get it in balance by next year.我们想要削减预算以求在明年达到收支平衡。He did everything within his power to compass his ends.他竭尽全力以求达到目的。He turned state's evidence in return for a reduced sentence.他供出了同案犯的犯罪证据以求获得减刑。Tomorrow a process of arbitration and conciliation will begin in an attempt to resolve the dispute.明天会启动仲裁和调停程序以求解决这一争端。Her lawyers convinced her to cop a plea.她的几位律师说服她承认有罪以求轻判。I chose to work abroad to improve my career prospects.我选择出国工作以求在事业上有更好的发展。He stretched himself to achieve better results in his work.他尽心竭力,以求工作更有成效。We were always trying to be creative and to shock.那时我们总是想搞点儿新意,以求惊世骇俗。Many editors and journalists seek refuge in silence or sycophancy.许多编辑和记者或保持沉默或阿谀奉承以求自保。He made an offering to propitiate the angry gods.他供奉祭品以求神灵息怒。He was trying to cover himself by lying about his involvement in the scandal.他为自己卷入丑闻一事撒谎,以求自保。I ran into the refuge of the crowd.我奔进人群以求庇护。He told his players to feign injury in a bid to get the match called off.他告诉队员假装受伤,以求取消比赛。The president has stepped up the pressure on the groups to come to an agreement.总统已向各集团增加压力,以求达成协议。The group has resorted to terror to try to get what it wants.该团伙诉诸恐怖手段以求达到目的。I wanted a divorce. I wanted to get away.我想离婚,以求解脱。At weddings we throw confetti for good luck.我们在婚礼上撒五彩纸屑以求好运。They were smoking cannabis to get high.他们吸食大麻以求得到快感。They puzzled their wits to find the answer.他们开动脑筋以求找到答案。He is trying to save his marriage by going to counseling for his drug addiction.他咨询如何戒除毒瘾,以求挽救婚姻。He offered a brief prayer for divine guidance.他作了简短的祷告以求神的指引。Many believe that Jones bought off the police so that he would not be investigated for the murder.很多人认为琼斯买通了警方以求不被追查杀人之事。Manuel looked for the sister of the man he killed, to ask forgiveness.曼纽尔寻找他所杀害男子的妹妹,以求获得宽恕。Mr Ferguson said the prisoner concocted the story to get a lighter sentence.弗格森先生说犯人捏造了这件事儿以求轻判。I've been working like fury these past few days to catch up.过去的这几天里我一直奋力工作以求赶上进度。We've been working like mad to get done on time.我们发疯似的工作以求按时完工。He put all his efforts into making his dream of a united country come true.他全力以赴以求实现国家统一的梦想。Mr Beazer tried to calm the protests by promising to keep the company's base in Pittsburgh.比泽先生承诺仍将公司总部设在匹兹堡,以求平息抗议。We must pinch pennies to make ends meet.我们一定要精打细算,以求收支平衡。




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