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例句 In college, Durban began to suffer from headaches and pain in his arms and legs上大学时,杜尔班开始头痛以及四肢疼痛。They bring meat, grain, and vegetables to sell or barter.他们带着肉、谷物以及蔬菜来出售或用来交换。The conference will be attended by David Taylor, Joe Sellars, and A.N. Other.出席会议的将有戴维•泰勒、乔•塞拉斯以及一位待定人员。How well off you are in old age is largely determined by race, sex, and marital status.老年生活的幸福程度在很大程度上取决于种族、性别以及婚姻状况。She enjoys reading, knitting, and other quiet pursuits.她喜欢读书、织毛衣以及其他一些安静的消遣活动。The poor economic climate and the attitude of leading executives both point to a grim future.不利的经济气候,以及主要管理人员的态度,都表明未来形势严峻。We will watch with interest what happens to these two women officers and to the young women who wish to follow in their footsteps.我们将饶有兴趣地观察两位女军官以及想步她们后尘的年轻女子会怎样。You may have questions which you wish to raise. For instance, who will oversee your work and how will feedback be given?你们可能有问题想要问,比如说,由谁监督你们的工作以及如何传达反馈意见呢?Some TVRs have power steering and conveniences such as central locking and powered windows.一些特雷沃车型配有动力转向系统以及中央锁和电动窗之类的便利装置。You will need to give the dates you wish to stay and the number of rooms you require.需要提供想要入住的起止日期以及所需的房间数目。The government lost no time in whitewashing themselves and their part in this affair.政府不失时机地为自己以及自己在这事件中所扮演的角色进行粉饰。The magistrate's court has a dual function: to try minor cases and consider whether in more serious cases there is enough evidence for a trial to take place.地方治安法庭具有双重职能:审理罪行较轻的案件,以及斟酌较为严重的案件是否有足够的证据进行审讯。At the border you will be asked your destination and how long you plan to stay.到达边境时,你会被问及你的目的地以及打算逗留多长时间。Poverty and poor housing correlate with a shorter life expectancy.贫困以及住房条件差和较短的预期寿命是有关系的。The museum and other municipal buildings are threatened.博物馆以及其他的市政大厦受到了威胁。This is how we see our tasks, and the substance and content of our work for the forthcoming period.这就是我们对工作任务的看法,以及下一阶段我们工作的实质与内容。We have seen the capitulation of towns, of celebrated fortresses, of states.我们目睹了城镇、著名要塞以及国家一个个相继投降。Punishments such as branding, castration and other forms of mutilation were restricted but not abolished.烙印、宫刑以及其他形式的致残性惩罚受到了限制,但尚未废除。Service stations use petrol as a bait to lure motorists into the restaurants and other facilities.加油站以汽油为诱饵,吸引开车的人用餐以及使用其他设施。It won't be anything special – just a few cakes and sandwiches and such.不会是什么特别的东西,就是几块蛋糕、三明治以及诸如此类的点心罢了。She is charged with murder, kidnapping, and criminal conspiracy.她被控谋杀、绑架以及预谋犯罪。The book analyses why women kill and how the law treats them.这本书分析了女性为何杀人以及法律如何对待她们。It is for his humanity as much as his music that his numerous friends and pupils will remember him. He leaves a wife, son and daughter.他的仁爱精神,以及他的音乐,都将长留在无数友人和学生的记忆里。他身后遗下妻子和一对儿女。The company has been held up as a model employer, and for good reason. They have a good training program and excellent benefits.该公司被奉为模范雇主,这是有充足理由的。他们有出色的培训计划以及优厚的福利待遇。She missed Spain and the languor of a siesta on a hot summer afternoon.她怀念西班牙以及炎热夏季里午后小睡的惬意感觉。Individualism, and the breakdown of social harmony, had a constructive purpose. But they also carried a price.个人主义以及社会和谐的崩溃具有一定的建设意义,然而这也是有代价的。Mexico has borrowed heavily from private banks, the World Bank, and other international lenders.墨西哥向私人银行、世界银行以及其他国际借贷组织借了很多债务。You've got to get down to the nitty-gritty: how the stage will look, what the lighting will be like, and who designs the costumes.你得开始考虑最基本的细节:舞台如何布置、灯光怎么打,以及谁负责设计服装。The driver's wife and two other passengers were injured in the accident.司机的妻子以及另外两名乘客在事故中受了伤。Burglary, murder and rape are all on the increase.入室行窃、凶杀以及强奸案都越来越多。The neighborhood is rife with illegal drug activity and violence.这一带充斥着非法毒品的活动以及暴力事件。She was stunned by the lies and deception her husband had used to hide his affairs.她丈夫为掩饰婚外情而说的谎话以及欺骗手段使她感到震惊。People wear slacks, sweaters, flat shoes, and all manner of casual attire for travel.人们穿休闲裤、毛线衫、低跟鞋以及各式各样的休闲服装出行。The establishment has drawn shoppers from the West End and further afield.这家商店吸引着西区以及更远地方的顾客。This chapter discusses power, and how people use it.这一章节讲权力,以及如何运用权力。I think he had the balance of authority, discipline, and kid gloves just about right.我认为他在平衡权威、纪律以及圆通方面做得恰到好处。There is growing evidence of drug-smuggling activities in and around the port.越来越多的证据显示,在港口以及附近一带有毒品走私活动。Aloe may have an analgesic effect on inflammation and minor skin irritations.芦荟可能对发炎以及轻微的皮肤炎症具有镇痛作用。The books are widely read by adults as well as children.这些书广受孩子们以及成年人青睐。Low energy, poor concentration, and feelings of helplessness are common symptoms of dysthymia.乏力、注意力难以集中以及无助感都是心理沮丧的常见症状。




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