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词汇 仕途
例句 It looks like it's curtains for the mayor after this election. 经过此次选举,市长的仕途看来走到尽头了。After this scandal, he's had it as a politician. 经过这次丑闻,他作为从政者的仕途就彻底完蛋了。They move freely from one department to another as they ascend the civil service ladder.随着仕途晋升,他们可以在部门间随意调动。What spelt political doom for her was the ill-advised introduction of a new method of financing local government spending.导致她仕途失意的,是她不甚明智地采用了一种资助地方政府开支的新方法。He reminds Bellick that they have a killer on the loose and that there are some things that are more important than a career.狱长提醒他,一个在逃的杀人犯对社会造成的损害比起他们的仕途更加重要。




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