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He thought about becoming a lawyer, but he has decided to concentrate on a medical career instead. 他曾想过当律师,但现已决定专心从医。Medicine is, by common assent, a good profession.人们普遍认为从医是个好职业。He's a professional man who started out in law, but switched over to medicine.他最初专攻法律,但是后来转而从医。They frequently move around the country in pursuit of a medical career.他们因为从医而频繁地在国内四处奔走。I committed the physician's cardinal sin: I got involved with my patients.我犯了从医的大忌:跟病人有了感情纠葛。Their daughter is planning to go into medicine. 他们的女儿打算从医。Her medical career spanned half a century.她的从医生涯长达半个世纪。I decided that my future lay in medicine.我决定未来从医才会有出息。I'm glad she's going into medicine. It's a very worthy calling.我很高兴她打算从医,这是非常高尚的职业。She saw being a doctor as her purpose in life.她曾把从医作为自己的人生目标。 |