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词汇 今后
例句 Looking back afterwards you will see that this was not a terminal trough in your career.今后回想起来你就会明白,你这段低潮期并非是你事业发展的终点。Wages will be a political battlefield in the coming year.今后的一年中工资问题将是引起政界激烈争执的一个领域。I am not going to reveal what my seven-year plan is, but I will tell you this much, if it works out, the next seven years will be very interesting.我不想透露我的七年计划的具体内容,不过有一点可以告诉你,如果顺利实施,今后的七年将非常有意义。Can you take some discreet soundings to see what her future plans are?你能否谨慎地试探一下她今后的计划?We do not envisage a general election for at least another two years.我们预计,至少今后两年内不会举行大选。From now on Labour will be on the back foot on the subject of welfare.今后工党在福利问题上将处于下风。She plotted her career for the next five years.她对自己今后五年的职业发展作了规划。Over the next two years, the company is putting on the complete works of Brecht.今后两年公司将上演布莱希特的全部戏剧。In future the President will be chosen by the people instead of by the National Assembly.今后总统将由人民选举产生,而非国民议会选出。We're aiming at reducing taxation over the next two years.我们力求在今后两年减税。The prospect of having to pay a graduate tax until retirement would kill the students' enthusiasm stone dead.想到今后一直到退休为止都要缴毕业税,学生们的积极性会被彻底打消。Older prisons will be phased out over the next few years.今后几年里,一些较旧的监狱将陆续关闭。He will combine the two jobs over the next three years.今后三年里,他将兼做这两份工作。Suzuki's latest innovative offering could well be the road to take.铃木最近的创新产品很可能就是今后要走的路。She'd better shut her mouth and from now on think twice before saying stupid things.她最好闭上嘴巴,而且今后在说出蠢话之前先过过脑子。He couldn't bear to think of the lonely year ahead.今后一年要一个人孤零零地度过,他一想到这个就受不了。He expects the unemployment figures to rise even higher in coming months.他预计失业人数会在今后几个月里进一步攀升。This decision sets a precedent for future cases of a similar nature.这一裁决为今后性质类似的案件提供了判例。There will be many difficult and challenging days ahead.今后将会有很多艰苦和充满挑战性的日子。These two games here will stand them in good stead for the future.现在的这两场比赛将对他们今后很有利。She will grow into her new role over the next few months.今后的几个月里她会慢慢适应她的新角色。The charity will go under unless a generous donor can be found within the next few months.除非能在今后几个月中找到一位捐赠者慷慨解囊,否则这家慈善机构将会倒闭。They forecast a large drop in unemployment over the next two years.他们预测今后两年失业人口会大幅下降。I'll keep it in mind for future reference.我将把它记住以供今后参考。This spirit will continue to live in the future out of sheer necessity.这种精神今后必然会继续存在下去。More front-line troops will be flown to the battle zone over the next few days.今后几天将会有更多的前线部队被调往交战区域。There will be no more layoffs. At least not if I can help it. 今后不会再有裁员。至少是如果我能阻止的话,就不会再有裁员。In future, ask before you borrow my clothes.今后借我的衣服前先说一声。The government deemed the country's future power needs more important.政府认为国家今后的动力需求更为重要。He gave a projection of future expenses.他对今后的花销做了估算。Everything is expected to change in the next few years.今后几年里,一切都有望发生变化。How will you manage with your wife gone?你妻子走了,你今后的日子怎么过? We have some hard work ahead.我们今后还会有一些艰巨的工作。When purchasing property, the company should allow for possible future growth/expansion.购买房产时,公司应当把今后可能的发展考虑在内。They hope to expand the business somewhere down the road. 他们希望在今后某个时候扩大生意规模。Events in early childhood often help to form our personalities in later life.幼年时期的经历往往影响着我们今后个性的形成。The recommendations indicate possible directions for further studies.推荐信指出今后学习可能的发展方向。The hatred could have incalculable consequences in the decades ahead.这种仇恨在今后几十年可能会产生无法预计的后果。We want an assurance that you won't make any more solo decisions.我们希望你保证今后不再独断独行。He promised there would be no more hesitation in pursuing reforms.他承诺今后在致力于改革时不会再有任何迟疑。




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