例句 |
The statement signals an intensification of the bloody feud between opposing guerrilla factions.这一声明表明敌对的游击队派系之间的血腥仇杀将会加剧。The police were on the wrong track when they treated the case as a revenge killing.警方将案件当作仇杀案来办理是搞错了方向。He killed the woman out of revenge for his brother's murder.他为报杀兄之仇杀了那女人。The killing appeared to be part of a gangland vendetta.那桩血案看起来是黑社会仇杀的一部分。The murder was vengeance, pure and simple.那起谋杀就是不折不扣的仇杀。His murder was a vendetta killing.他的被害是一起仇杀。 |