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词汇 仇恨
例句 Hatred ran riot in her.仇恨在她胸中翻腾。No one may call himself mature if he bears grudges or allows hatred to fester within.如果心怀怨恨或是任由仇恨在内心郁积,那就不能自称是成熟之人。Gerald's feelings of injustice turned to bitterness and spite.杰拉尔德的委屈变成了怨愤和仇恨Rylan has been accused of whipping crowds up into frenzies of violent hatred.赖兰被控煽动人群强烈的仇恨情绪。They are fanning the flames of hate.他们在煽起仇恨的火焰。The government must act to stamp out interracial hatred and violence.政府必须采取行动消除种族间的仇恨与暴力。He was a violent bully, destructive and full of hate.他是个残暴、恃强凌弱的人,富有破坏力,且心中充满仇恨He was an evil dictator who was universally hated.他是个人人都仇恨的邪恶独裁者。The hatred could have incalculable consequences in the decades ahead.这种仇恨在今后几十年可能会产生无法预计的后果。He burned with hate for everyone and everything.他心里满是对所有人和事的仇恨Mrs Williams has spoken of her hate for her husband's killers.威廉斯太太谈了她对杀害自己丈夫的凶手的仇恨They were blamed for inciting hatred against religious minorities.他们被指责煽动对宗教少数派的仇恨Hatred breeds violence.仇恨滋生暴力。He made a few anti-Semitic remarks.他说了些仇恨犹太人的话。George still seems determined to wallow in hatred and self-pity.乔治似乎依然沉湎于仇恨与自怜之中不愿自拔。All animosities were laid aside for the moment.一切仇恨都被暂时抛开。Resentment was still bubbling inside her.仇恨依然在她心头翻滚。Her hatred of authority led to her expulsion from high school.她对权威的仇恨导致她被中学开除。It takes many years for kids who have suffered so much to learn to love and not to hate.这些吃了这么多苦的孩子,需要好多年才能学会去爱别人,不再仇恨His brain was smoked with hatred.他脑子里充满了仇恨It's a story of lust, hatred and greed.那是一个充满淫欲、仇恨和贪欲的故事。He recked not all their hatred.他全不在乎他们对他的仇恨The movie tells the story of a woman consumed by ambition/hatred.这部电影讲述了一个满怀野心/仇恨的女人的故事。The hatred in her voice shocked him.她话音里的仇恨让他震惊。His hatred for his brother still smoulders after twenty years.他对兄弟的仇恨二十年后依旧郁积于心。This troubled city is filled with hatred, prejudice, crime, and fear.这座动荡的城市充斥着仇恨、偏见、犯罪和恐惧。I think that hatred of the other is deeply embedded in our society.我觉得对异己的仇恨在我们的社会中根深蒂固。Ellis was a sick young man with a deep hatred of women.埃利斯是个变态的男青年,他对女性有着深切的仇恨She became caught in a whirlpool of hate.她陷入了仇恨的漩涡。She glared at him with undisguised hatred.她怒视着他,毫不掩饰自己的仇恨There was an unmistakable undertone of nationalist resentment in many of their remarks.他们的许多话都明白无误地带有民族主义仇恨情绪。He had an irrational fear and hatred of foreigners.他对外国人有一种非理性的恐惧和仇恨Abby made no secret of her hatred for her father.阿比并不隐瞒自己对父亲的仇恨She makes no attempt to conceal her hatred for her opponents.她无意掩盖她对对手的仇恨War opens the sluices of hatred and bloodshed.战争引发强烈的仇恨,导致惨重的流血。The Los Angeles riots reflected the bitterness between the black and Korean communities in the city.洛杉矶的暴乱反映出这个城市的黑人社区和韩裔社区之间的仇恨They have been unable to overcome their hates and fears.他们一直无法克服他们的仇恨和恐惧心理。A hidden hate cropped out in his words.他的话里流露出隐藏在心中的仇恨In her autobiography, she describes her hatred for her stepfather.她在自传中写到了她对继父的仇恨She felt a certain amount of animosity towards him.她对他怀有一点仇恨




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