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The drawing showed the human brain in cross section.这张图显示了人脑的剖面。Scientists are learning more about how the human brain works.科学家们正在更多地了解人脑是如何工作的。There are obvious parallels between computer systems and the working of the human brain.计算机系统和人脑的工作有明显的相似之处。Human brains have more than 100 million cells per cubic centimeter.人脑每立方公分有一亿多个细胞。The object of study in her research is the human brain.她的研究对象是人脑。Psychoanalysts plumb the deep mysteries of the human mind.精神分析家探索人脑的奥秘。The human brain is divided vertically into two hemispheres.人脑被竖分成两个半球。The computer and the human mind have different but complementary abilities.计算机与人脑各不相同却又互为补充。The human brain is divided vertically down the middle into two hemispheres.人脑从中央垂直地分为两半球。On average, the human mind cannot concentrate on spoken information for more than six minutes without a break.一般来说,人脑对语言信息的持续注意力不超过六分钟。The human brain is an incredibly complicated organ.人脑是一个结构极其复杂的器官。The computer is a useful analogy for the brain.计算机是人脑很恰当的类比物。We compared the human mind to a computer which actively seeks information to process, encodes it and stores it for future use.我们将人脑比作一台计算机,它主动寻找需要处理的信息,对其进行加密,并存储起来以便将来使用。We know which part of the human brain fulfils this function.我们知道人脑的哪一部分起到这种作用。The size of a dolphin's brain is comparable to a human's.海豚的脑大小可以与人脑相比。The human brain is divided into two halves.人脑被分成两半。The human brain is the centre of higher nervous activity.人脑是高级神经活动的中心。There's only so much that anybody's brain can handle at any one time.人脑一次也就只能应付这么多。Scientists are now on the threshold of a better understanding of how the human brain works.科学家们现在对人脑的功能开始有更进一步的了解。 |