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词汇 brick
例句 I didn't realise how heavy each brick was until I tried to pick one up.我试图拿起一块砖头时才知道每块有多重。Each brick also varies slightly in tone, texture and size.每一块砖的色调、质地和大小也都略有不同。Brass pans added a decorative touch to the plain brick wall.铜锅给单调的砖墙增加了些许装饰。Our street was just a row of brick terraced houses.我们居住的街道上全是砖结构的连排房屋。The landscape was drab and infested with brick ovens.景色单调,唯见砖窑遍布。I wanted to sort out this problem with him, but it was like banging my head against a brick wall.我曾想跟他把这个问题给解决了,但结果徒劳无功。Lance is a regular brick.兰斯是个大好人。The brick houses are roofed in red tiles.这些砖房的屋顶是用红瓦盖的。She stared blankly at the brick wall in front of her.她面无表情地盯着面前的砖墙。A mugger stunned him with a brick and stole his wallet.抢劫犯用一块砖头将他打昏,偷走了他的钱包。The plot of land is demarcated by a low brick wall.这块地用矮砖墙划出了分界标记。The old uneven brick sidewalk was ripped up and replaced.那条不平整的砖铺的旧人行道被掘开重新铺过了。The house is brick, not wood.这房子是用砖砌成的,不是用木头造的。He laid every brick himself.每一块砖都是他亲手砌的。He went under a brick arch.他穿过一个砖砌的拱门。A policeman is fighting for his life after young thugs threw a brick through his patrol car windscreen.有年轻暴徒向巡逻车的挡风玻璃扔了一块砖头,一名警察生命垂危。The brick has weathered to a lovely pinky-brown.砖块经过风吹日晒,变成了漂亮的淡棕色。It has a basic construction of brick under a tiled roof.这是一座简易的瓦顶砖砌建筑。The building had a brick base and a metal framework.这幢大楼以砖石为基础,以金属为框架。The brick thumped against the tree.砖头嘭的一声打在那棵树上。He has been an absolute brick.他是个绝对靠得住的人。The boundary of the car park is delineated by a low brick wall.一堵矮墙标出了停车场的边界。Trying to talk about this is like banging my head against a brick wall.我要想谈这个只能是白费口舌。I've tried to tell her, but it's like talking to a brick wall.我试过告诉她,但那是白费口舌。The main construction is brick.主体建筑是砖结构的。A brick crashed through the window.一块砖哗啦一声击穿了窗户。The driveway was covered with concrete/brick paving.私人车道铺上了混凝土/砖块。The brick-paved pedestrian mall at the city's centre was crowded.市中心砖块铺砌的步行街购物中心很是拥挤。I knew I had dropped a brick in making that remark.我知道那句话一出口我便闯下了祸。My father was just driving along, minding his own business, when suddenly a brick came through the window.我父亲正好好地开着车,突然一块砖头从车窗外飞进来。He flattened himself against a brick wall as I passed.他紧贴一面砖墙站着好让我通过。His liver was ruptured when a brick wall collapsed on him.一堵砖墙坍塌压住了他,使他的肝脏破裂了。The bread was as hard as a brick.面包硬得像块砖。The little boy put one more brick on the tower and it toppled over.小男孩在积木塔上又放了一块积木,塔摇晃着倒塌了。We cooked the pie in the brick oven.我们用砖炉烤馅饼。She helped to build a house, learning the rudiments of brick-laying as she went along.她参与了盖房子,并在施工过程中学习了砌砖的基本技巧。The house has a small backyard, surrounded by a high brick wall.这座房子有个小小的后院,用高高的砖墙围着。His two-story brick home was graced with a patio and surrounded by tall, leafy trees.他那两层高的砖房有一个漂亮的露台,四周环拥绿叶成阴的大树。The evening sun warms the old red brick wall to a radiant glow.夕阳为古老的红砖墙罩上了一层暖暖的炫目光辉。Brewer Hall is a red-brick building with white trim.布鲁尔大厅是一幢红砖配以白色饰边的建筑。




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