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The whole government was riddled with graft, bribery, and corruption.政府内到处充斥着以权谋私、行贿受贿和贪污腐败行为。One of Murrow's chief campaign promises was to do something about bribery and corruption.默罗的其中一项主要竞选承诺是要向贿赂和腐败开刀。The law firm was rocked by accusations of bribery and dishonesty.受贿和作假的指控震惊了这家律师事务所。They have been charged with bribery and concealment of evidence.他们被控行贿和隐瞒证据。Someone played the part of a go-between in almost every bribery scandal.几乎在每一件弊案中都有人扮演中间人的角色。Have you heard the latest scandal? Mick Green's been arrested for bribery and corruption.你听说最近的丑闻了吗?米克·格林因行贿贪污被逮捕了。The inquiry showed that bribery was widespread.调查显示贿赂之风极为普遍。Government officials accused of bribery and corruption often get off the hook.被指控贪污受贿的政府官员经常能够摆脱罪名。He is appearing in court on charges of bribery and tax evasion.他因被控行贿和逃税而出庭受审。The policeman accused the thief of bribery.警察指控那个小偷行贿。He was jailed on charges of bribery.他因受到行贿指控而被捕入狱。The minister resigned amid accusations of bribery and corruption.在受贿和贪污的指控声中部长辞职了。US firms are alleged to have used bribery to win contracts.美国公司被指控以贿赂手段来争取合同。The committee will conduct a thorough investigation of the bribery charges.委员会将对这起受贿指控进行彻底调查。The charge in the present case is one of bribery and corruption.目前对这个案件的指控是贪污受贿。They were arrested on charges of bribery.他们因被控贿赂罪而遭到逮捕。We tried everything – persuasion, bribery, threats.我们什么也试过了 — 劝过,给过好处,也威胁过。Several politicians are linked to the bribery and sex scandal.好几位政客与贿赂和性丑闻有牵连。The law is clear: bribery is wrong.法律规定很清楚:贿赂是违法的。There was widespread bribery and corruption in the police department.警察部普遍存在受贿和贪污现象。Government officials accused of bribery and corruption get off the hook with monotonous regularity.被指控贪污受贿的政府官员无一例外总能脱身。His halo's tainted: his bribery payments to city officials far outweigh the money he donates to charity.他的光辉形象被破坏了:他贿赂市政官员的钱数额远远超出了他的慈善捐款。Eventually, I resorted to bribery and promised them ice cream.最后我采取收买的办法,答应给他们买冰淇淋。She was caught dead to rights on a bribery charge.她被指控受贿,证据确凿。A series of bribery scandals has cut a swathe through the government.一连串的受贿丑闻使政府遭到重创。He was imprisoned for his part in the bribery scandal.他因牵涉贿赂丑闻而入狱。I don't believe she would ever stoop to bribery or blackmail.我不相信她会堕落到行贿和勒索的地步。Disclosure requirements will repress bribery.要求人们举报将可制止贿赂。The honest policeman was cleared of bribery.那个诚实的警察经查并未受贿。He was determined to counter the bribery allegations.他决心要反驳受贿的指控。He was arrested on charges of bribery and corruption.他因贪污腐化遭逮捕。The charges against him include fraud, bribery, and falsifying business records.对他的指控包括诈骗、行贿和伪造商业记录。Officials said the bribery investigation would continue.官员表示对贿赂行为的调查将继续进行。 |