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词汇 人工呼吸
例句 She was so ill that she was put on a respirator.她病得很严重,被戴上了人工呼吸器。They used artificial respiration to bring the drowned swimmer back to life.他们用人工呼吸使溺水的游泳者苏醒过来。In case of collapse the immediate indication is artificial respiration.如发生虚脱,应立即施行人工呼吸Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation was required to revive him.为了让他苏醒,必须对他进行口对口人工呼吸He was given mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.对他进行了口对口的人工呼吸Money would be better spent training members of the public in life support skills such as the kiss of life.可以把钱投到训练公众提高急救技能上面,比如掌握人工呼吸方法,这样钱会花得更有价值。Divers, firemen, and soldiers of chemical warfare wear respirators in their line of work.潜水伕、消防员和化学兵在工作时都会戴上人工呼吸器。You had to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to a dummy.你必须给假人做口对口人工呼吸She was given artificial respiration and cardiac massage.她被施以人工呼吸和心脏按压。Julia was given the kiss of life but she could not be revived.虽然对朱莉娅施行了人工呼吸,但她没能苏醒过来。We gave him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and heart massage.我们对他进行了口对口人工呼吸和心脏按摩。She pulled him out of the lake and gave him the kiss of life.她把他从湖中捞上来,接着给他做了人工呼吸




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