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词汇 人失望
例句 Poor service and mediocre food made for a disappointing dinner.这顿饭吃得让人失望,服务很差劲,饭菜也平平。The holiday was a bit of a disappointment - it rained the whole time.这个假日有点让人失望,天一直在下雨。I wrote several times but they never replied, I'm sorry to say.我给他们写了好几封信,可是他们从不回信,真叫人失望The last chapter of the book was anticlimactic.这本书的最后一章让人失望The movie's pat ending was a disappointment.电影的结尾草草了事,让人失望This comes as a bit of a disappointment.这有点儿让人失望The most disappointing dish was the chicken-filled tortellini with a pesto sauce that had almost no taste.最让人失望的菜就是那道意式鸡肉饺子,上面的香蒜酱淡而无味。The team had a disappointing season.这支球队整个赛季的表现让人失望Last night's result was hugely disappointing.昨晚的结果太让人失望了。Brown was constantly letting the side down.布朗不断让家人失望The party turned out to be a non-event - barely anybody showed up.结果聚会有点让人失望——几乎没什么人来参加。What a disappointing result!这个结果太让人失望了!The rock concert was a washout.那场摇滚音乐会真叫人失望That was a real bummer of a movie.那部电影真叫人失望The movie ended in anticlimax.这部电影的结尾让人失望The movie turned out to be a major disappointment. 这部电影太让人失望了。The movie was kind of a disappointment.那部电影有些让人失望That was disappointing – we should have won that game easily.真让人失望,我们本该轻松获胜的。The final scene was dismayingly lacking in theatrical effect.最后一场缺乏戏剧效果,叫人失望I felt I was letting the side down by not going to the wedding.我没有去参加婚礼,感觉让自己人失望了。The movie was terribly disappointing.这电影太让人失望了。It's disappointing when someone you have admired turns out to be a jerk.你一直钦佩的人到头来却是个蠢货,会很让人失望It was disappointing to lose, having got this far in the competition.真是让人失望,比赛进行到这一步了还输掉。




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