例句 |
If I hadn't seen it myself, I'd never have believed it.要不是我亲眼所见,我是怎么也不会相信的。I know it's hard to believe but I saw it with my own eyes.我知道这令人难以置信,可确实是我亲眼所见。He gave a firsthand account of the battle.他描述了战斗中的亲眼所见。The prices in that place have to be seen to be believed!那里东西的价格如果不是亲眼所见真难以置信!The evidence of our eyes tells us a different story.我们亲眼所见的可不是那么一回事。It's hard to imagine the canyon's size until you see it in person.这峡谷之大如非亲眼所见很难想象。 |