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Most of these island children billeted with relatives.这些岛上的孩子大多数投宿在亲戚家。Orphaned at the age of six, Laura grew up with her father's relatives.劳拉六岁成了孤儿,在父亲的亲戚家长大。Martin was bundled off to stay with relatives.马丁被打发到亲戚家里住。She has gone to live with her husband's kin.她住到丈夫的亲戚家里去了。She parked her child with a relative.她把孩子托放在亲戚家里。The children are constantly shunted around to various relatives.孩子们常常被送到不同的亲戚家。The children spent the war years with relatives.战争期间孩子们住在亲戚家。He lodged his child with his relatives.他把孩子寄放在亲戚家。 |