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词汇 breeding
例句 Outside the breeding season pumas are usually solitary.除了繁殖季节,美洲狮通常独来独往。The company's casual atmosphere serves as a breeding ground for innovation.公司轻松随意的氛围是创新的温床。Male ducks are easy to tell apart in the breeding season.在繁殖季节很容易辨别出雄鸭子。The stagnant pond is a breeding ground for mosquitoes.腐臭的池塘是蚊子滋生的地方。Lady Bolsover examined the breeding of all her daughter's suitors to make sure there were no blemishes in the stock.博尔索弗夫人审查了她女儿所有追求者的家世,以确保家族血统没有污点。Flaws in the system have created a breeding ground for financial scandals.体制中存在的缺陷为金融丑闻的出现提供了土壤。I am carefully selecting the breeding stock.我正在精心挑选种畜。School football has always been a breeding ground for new talent.学校足球一直是新人才的发源地。A dirty environment is a breeding ground for germs.肮脏的环境是细菌的孳生地。Historically, St Benedict's is a breeding ground for talent.圣贝尼迪克特自古以来就是人才辈出的地方。His main income comes from breeding cattle.他的主要收入来自养牛。Her good breeding shows in her exquisite manners.她高雅的举止显示出她良好的教养。Among his many hobbies was the breeding of fine horses.他诸多爱好之一是饲养骏马良驹。Selective breeding may result in a greyhound running faster and seeing better than a wolf.选择性交配繁殖有可能培育出比狼速度更快、视力更佳的灵犭是。Britain's rarest breeding birds are under threat from fanatical and selfish egg collectors.英国最珍贵的种鸟正因为那些狂热而自私的鸟蛋收集者而面临着威胁。The warm water provides the optimum conditions for breeding.温水为繁殖提供了最适宜的条件。The Gulf of Mexico is a breeding ground for hurricanes.墨西哥湾是飓风的发源地。Birds make nests in preparation for breeding.鸟类筑巢准备产蛋。It's a sign of good breeding to know the names of all your staff.知道所有员工的名字是有良好教养的一种体现。We used to keep pigs for breeding purposes.我们曾经养过种猪。Horse breeding is indeed a risky enterprise.养马确实是个有风险的营生。Salmon swim upstream against very strong currents to reach their breeding areas.大麻哈鱼会迎着湍急的水流游向上游它们的产卵区。All bitches should be spayed unless being used for breeding.除非是用作种犬,所有的母犬都应摘除卵巢。Hospitals are breeding grounds for bacteria.医院是细菌繁殖的地方。He built his fortune from breeding horses.他靠养马积累了财富。The whales migrate between their feeding ground in the north and their breeding ground in the Caribbean.鲸在北方的捕食地和加勒比海的繁殖地之间迁徙。Just before the breeding season, these birds radiate outwards to warmer climates.每当繁殖季节即将来临,这些鸟飞向四面八方,迁徙到气候较温暖的地带。They undertook the work as part of a statewide breeding programme.他们承担的此项工作是一个州级育种项目的一部分。She has breeding, not a doubt of it.她品行端正,这点无可置疑。Some of the animals will be kept as breeding stock.一些牲畜将留作种畜。The estuary is a breeding ground for birds and marine life.河口是鸟类与海洋生物的繁殖地。The watchman eked out his wages by breeding rabbits.看门人靠养兔子来弥补工资的不足。Horse breeding is a risky enterprise.养马是一项有风险的营生。If possible, select pairs of fish that already have a track record for breeding.如果可能的话,选择几对有过繁殖记录的鱼。The university was a breeding ground for political radicals.这所大学是政治激进派的温床。The mild weather has started them thinking about nesting and breeding.温暖的天气已让它们开始考虑筑巢和繁殖。The number of young produced per breeding cycle varies from species to species.单个生育周期所产的幼崽数量因物种不同而有所不同。Selective breeding has given us much leaner turkeys.选择性育种给我们提供了更瘦的火鸡。Warm milk is the ideal breeding ground for bacteria.温牛奶是细菌理想的滋生地。By cross-breeding with our native red deer, the sika deer have affected the gene pool.梅花鹿通过与我们本土的马鹿杂交,已经影响了鹿群的基因库。




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