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词汇 些小
例句 We used to have a few small shops, like a butcher and a chemist.我们以前有些小店面,有肉铺,有药房。We had a few small problems when we were putting the design together, but it works fine now.我们把设计放在一起的时候有些小问题,不过现在已经解决了。I don't care about your little problems.我对你那些小问题不感兴趣。Stop worrying about your pimples; they're barely noticeable.别担心那些小粉刺,几乎看不出来的。I was spacing out the seedlings into divided trays.我正在把那些小嫩苗分装进有分格的盘子里。She's having a little difficulty with her spelling.她的拼写有些小问题。The little children were expressing themselves in play.些小孩子们在游戏中表现出自己的想像力。Now that we have extended the hall, those small electric heaters are no longer adequate.我们把礼堂扩大了,那些小的电暖器就再也不够用了。We've had a few minor problems with the new computer system.我们的新电脑系统有些小问题。The minor scandals of recent months paled to insignificance beside this episode.最近几个月的那些小丑闻与这件事相比,好比小巫见大巫,显得不足道。The voices of the young boys singing in church were high and pure.在教堂唱歌的那些小男孩们嗓音响亮而纯正。The little blighters next door have trampled all over my flowers again.隔壁的那些小讨厌鬼又把我的花儿踩了。One of the tiny figures in the background is a man on horseback.背景中那些小小人影之一是一个骑马的男人。You might be able to fit some small flowering plants between the larger bushes.你或许可以在较大的灌木之间种些小的开花植物。His job is to make minor repairs on all the machines.他的工作是给所有的机器作些小维修。There are a few little problems that still have to be dealt with.还有些小问题要处理。There are a few small things that I don't like about my job, but by and large it's very enjoyable.虽然有些小的地方让我不太满意,但总的来讲我还是很喜欢这份工作的。She made her brother run some little errands for her.他让弟弟帮他跑腿办些小事。




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