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词汇 互联网
例句 The Internet has affected the everyday existence of children and adults in all walks of life.互联网影响了社会各阶层的儿童和成人的日常生活。He incorrectly predicted that the Internet would be on its way out within three years.他错误地预测互联网会在三年内过时。Internet and cable television companies suffer from a high churn rate.互联网公司和有线电视公司的用户流失率很高。A handful of Internet companies are battling for world domination.少数几个互联网公司正在争夺世界统治地位。Users can easily move files between PCs connected by local area networks or the Internet.用户可轻易地在与局域网或互联网连接的个人计算机间传送文件。Our graduates are literate and numerate and have very good IT skills.我们的毕业生具备读写和计算能力,而且精通互联网技术。The Internet is good for finding out things.互联网对查找东西有帮助。The business world was shaken by the huge drop in dotcom shares.商界因互联网公司股票价格猛跌而受到震动。You've never heard of the Internet? Come on, now. Get with it. 你从未听说过互联网吗?加把劲,跟上潮流吧。The Internet should be allowed to develop without any interference from the government.应该允许互联网在不受政府任何干预的情况下发展。Chat rooms on the Internet are a place we can let our hair down and say what we think.互联网上的聊天室可以让我们放松下来,说出心里的想法。There are a number of browsers that can be used to navigate the Web/Internet.很多浏览器都可以用来访问网络/互联网Computer viruses plague Internet users.计算机病毒困扰着互联网用户。The library/Internet is a useful resource for information.图书馆/互联网是有效的信息来源。The Internet helps consumers save money by buying products directly from companies and eliminating/bypassing the middleman.互联网通过直接从公司购买商品而绕过中间商的方式帮消费者省钱。The internet has replaced television as the biggest time-waster ever invented.互联网已取代电视成了有史以来人类发明的最能用来浪费时间的活动。Racist messages are being widely disseminated via the Internet.带有种族主义思想的言论在互联网上广泛流传。The system has a rudimentary Internet browser, but it's very slow.这个系统有最基本的互联网浏览器,但是非常慢。The availability of music on the Internet has squeezed the record industry.人们能从互联网上获取音乐,这使唱片业难以为继。By the end of the decade, direct satellite connections for the Internet may be available.到这个十年结束时,互联网可能会以卫星直接连线。He denies sending sexist and offensive material over the Internet to female colleagues.他否认通过互联网向女同事发送具有性别歧视和令人反感的材料。In theory, the Net should make things quicker, but that isn't always the case.理论上,互联网能提高效率,但事情往往不是这样。You can find lists of pet-friendly motels on the internet.你可以在互联网上找到一长串欢迎宠物的汽车旅馆。On the Internet, people can send messages worldwide in seconds.互联网上,人们瞬间就可以把信息发往世界各地。He scoured the Internet for information.他在互联网上搜索信息。Filing taxes online is an option for people with Internet access.在线报税是互联网用户的选择。He's convinced that the Internet is corrupting the English language.他坚定地认为互联网在腐蚀英语这门语言。Internet/network traffic can cause slower response times during peak hours.互联网/网络访问量在高峰期会造成反应速度减慢。Every time someone tries to explain the Internet to me, I get even more confused.每次有人向我解释互联网时,我就更加迷惑了。Millennials have grown up with the internet and can't imagine a world without it.千禧世代在互联网环境中长大,无法想象没有互联网的世界会是什么样的。Such information is easily obtained from the Internet.这种信息很容易在互联网上获得。The Internet's impact on the way we do business has been remarkable.互联网对于我们经商方式的影响很显著。Armchair travellers can now visit the world's most exotic countries via the Internet.安坐家中的神游旅行家现在可以通过互联网游访世上最具异国情调的国家了。The Internet has completely transformed many retail businesses.互联网让许多零售企业发生了彻底的改变。Home workers are connected with the office by the Internet.在家上班的员工通过互联网与办公室联系。Mr Gates was a relatively late convert to the Internet.盖茨先生是较晚投身于互联网事业的人。The Internet has altered our understanding of the world beyond all recognition.互联网完全改变了我们对世界的认识。The Internet provides instant access to an enormous amount of information.互联网是获取大量信息的快捷途径。The article offers tips on how computer users can avoid being reeled in by internet scams.这篇文章给了电脑用户一些指点,让他们避免成为互联网骗局的受害者。The Internet is a storehouse of electronic information.互联网是电子信息的宝库。




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