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词汇 breaks
例句 Civil war could come if the country breaks up.如果国家分裂就会爆发内战。A chimney breaks up the line of the level roof.一个烟囱打破了这个屋顶平齐的轮廓。We've kept the old buggy as a standby in case the new one breaks.我们把旧汽车当作备用,以防新车坏了。The film's director breaks up the swearing and snogging with sly, sidelong observations about the condition of the country.影片导演在一个儿女情长的故事里间接而隐晦地穿插了他对国家局势的看法。A colleague started playing footsie with me under the table during coffee breaks.工间喝咖啡休息时,有位同事开始在桌下与我碰脚调情。The school breaks up on Friday.学校将于星期五期终放假。The author deliberately breaks the narrative continuity in order to confound the reader's expectations.作者故意打破叙述的连贯性,以制造出乎读者意料的效果。Many women still take career breaks to bring up children.仍然有许多女性为了抚养孩子而离职。The tank is reinforced to prevent breaks and leaks.储液罐已加固以防破裂或泄漏。Tax breaks of this nature benefit the advantaged far more than the disadvantaged.这种性质的减税优惠带给优势群体的利益远远超过带给弱势群体的利益。When a marriage breaks up it is very hard to say who is at fault.当婚姻破裂时,很难说是谁的责任。Dialogue often breaks grammatical rules.对话经常会违反语法规则。It breaks down into its constituent parts.它分解成了零七碎八的部件。Watch out for breaks in the ice.小心冰面上的裂缝。All employees are entitled to two breaks during the workday.所有员工在每个工作日都有两段休息时间。The boat will upset if a storm breaks.如遇暴风雨,这条船会翻掉。That joke always breaks me up. 那个笑话总让我忍不住大笑。If a horse breaks its leg, it usually has to be put down.如果马的腿断了通常就得被杀死。The report breaks down into three sections. = The report is broken down into three sections. 报告分为三个部分。The body's digestive system breaks food down.身体的消化系统分解食物。Each component can be replaced separately if it breaks.每一个零件如果坏了都可以单独更换。Buy it then, but don't blame me when it breaks down.那就买吧,可是坏了别怪我。I need to take occasional breaks from work.我有时要停下工作休息片刻。Stores are boarding up their windows in case rioting breaks out.店主们将窗户用木板封起来,以防暴乱发生。The piano and saxophone breaks washed over the rest of the music.钢琴和萨克斯管的华彩段如行云流水,盖过了乐曲中的其他声音。The body breaks down starches into sugars.身体将淀粉分解成糖。The city offered the company tax breaks as an enticement to build a factory there.这座城市向那家公司提供减免税收的优惠,吸引公司建厂。The bandage must be put on when the blister breaks.水疱一旦破了就必须用绷带包扎起来。They enjoy anything that breaks the dullness of their routine life.他们喜欢一切能打破日常沉闷生活的事物。It breaks my heart to think of how those children have suffered.想到这些孩子所受的苦难,我就心碎。Anyone who breaks the law does so at their peril.违法者要自担后果。The ice breaks up quicker near the shore.冰在近岸处碎裂得较快。Kindness breaks me up; it makes me cry.这关爱使我不能自制,令我失声痛哭。She got the breaks she needed to succeed.她时来运转,成功了。All steaks will benefit from a bashing, as this breaks up the muscle fibres that comprise most of the meat.大力击打适用于准备各类烹饪用的肉块,因为这样可以打断组成肉块的肌肉纤维。The car breaks down so often, I suppose I should be used to it by now.这辆车老是抛锚,我想我现在应该习惯了。If you totalled up all the minutes of wasted thoughts throughout the day there would be plenty of time to take adequate and conscious breaks from the keyboard.如果你把整天胡思乱想浪费的每一分钟加起来,就会有充足的时间离开电脑,好好休息一下。A dormer breaks the level roof.老虎窗破坏了房屋平顶的完整性。The tax breaks will stimulate economic activity.减税将刺激经济活动。The document breaks down into four parts.文件可分为四部分。




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