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词汇 事儿
例句 I'll leave you alone here so you can mull it over.我不打扰你了,你在这儿可以仔细考虑考虑这事儿Do you remember when I pinched your glasses?你还记得我偷你眼镜的事儿吗?All it required was a bit of work.事儿只需稍费工夫就可以了。What's the best way of going about this?事儿怎么做才最好呢?We're talking to some people about opening an office in London.我们在和一些人讨论在伦敦设立办事处的事儿The situation is long past the stage when anyone's advice would help.情况早变了,不是谁提个建议就能补救的事儿He is just the man for the job.他做这事儿很合适。If you make a mistake, don't stand on your dignity and pretend it didn't happen. Laugh at it instead.如果你犯了错,不要计较体面而假装没这事儿。对它一笑置之吧。I told her about him climbing up the drainpipe.我对她讲了他从排水管爬上去的事儿She must have done something wrong, because she's looking so guilty.她一定是做错什么事儿了,因为她一脸的愧疚。I'm sure she has something on her conscience.我肯定她心里有什么事儿让她良心不安。If the guys hear about this, they're going to die laughing.如果那些家伙听说了这事儿,他们会笑死的。There have been several outings of well-known movie stars recently.最近曝出好几宗著名电影明星是同性恋的事儿Parents are often too busy, tired, or preoccupied to give their children the time and attention they need.家长们往往太忙太累,或者烦心的事儿太多,不能给予孩子应有的时间和关心。He had a nerve dragging her out just for this.他拖她出去就是为这事儿,真不像话。He pulls me up on it but I don't even know where I got it from.他为这事儿责骂了我,但是我甚至不知道自己哪里做错了。I simply can't believe it.我简直不能相信这事儿They were in the back room, on the job.他们当时在后面的房间里,干那事儿Come on, I want to know all the gory details about your date with Jon.快,好好给我讲讲你跟乔恩约会的事儿She gave us a hilarious account of her first days as a teacher.她给我们讲了初当老师时的可笑事儿Watson had made a thorough hash of it.沃森把这事儿弄得一团糟。There's going to be trouble when Paul finds out about this.要是保罗发觉了这事儿,那就麻烦了。Jack's in a strange mood - I wonder what's eating him?杰克今天脾气怪怪的,什么事儿让他那么烦啊?Nothing ever happens here in the evening.这儿晚上从来没发生过什么事儿Children treat the road as a playground. It's an accident waiting to happen.孩子们拿马路当运动场,这样迟早会出事儿It was a struggle to get up the hill in the snow.下雪天要爬到山上是件费力事儿The longer you let it ride, the harder it will be to fix later.事儿你拖得越久,以后就越难办。He promptly forgot all about it.他马上把这事儿忘得一干二净。It is really very difficult indeed.事儿真个是非常非常难办。There'll be the dickens of a row about this.事儿将引起一场大吵大闹。It really kills me to think of how much money I could have made if I had invested in that company.如果我当初投资那家公司,现在肯定赚了很多钱。想起这事儿我就难受。They ragged him about his new girlfriend.他们拿他换了女朋友的事儿戏弄他。We had our suspicions as to who did it.事儿到底是谁干的,我们有所怀疑。He was in fact wrong, but let's not go into that now.他实际上是错了,不过咱们现在先不追究这事儿It is a painful experience having the boil lanced.割破疖子放脓是件很痛苦的事儿Tell her yourself - I'm not going to do your dirty work for you.你自己去告诉她——我才不会替你干这种烂事儿This is not your business, so stay out of it.这没你的事儿,所以别插手。Whenever possible, suggest she talks about it but be aware she may bite your head off for your trouble.找机会建议她谈谈这事儿,但是小心她可能会因为你多事儿而大发雷霆。Why did you do that? How can you be such a numbskull?你为何做那事儿?你怎么能那么傻?It really is desperately unfortunate that this should have happened just now.刚才竟发生这样的事儿,实在是太不合时宜了。




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