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I cannot condone what I did. I just lashed out.我不能宽恕自己的行为。我当时完全是乱打一气。He bashed him about with a bludgeon and went on his way.他用大头棒把他乱打一通,然后扬长而去。She ran from the house in a terrible rage, her arms flailing in the air.她怒不可遏地从房子里跑出来,手臂在空中乱挥乱打。She proceeded to lay about her with her umbrella.接着,她用伞劈头盖脸地朝四周乱打一气。The ruffian laid about in desperation.歹徒在绝望中向四周乱打一气。He lashed out in desperate self-defence.他拼命自卫,猛踢乱打。Frampton struck out blindly, hitting not Waddington, but an elderly man.弗兰普顿乱打一通,没有打到沃丁顿却打到了一位老人。He struck out blindly.他乱打一通。They hailed blows upon the guy.他们将那个家伙乱打一通。 |