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词汇 breakdown
例句 There has been a complete breakdown of law and order.法律与秩序已荡然无存。They often seem depressed and close to emotional breakdown.他们经常显得很沮丧,精神濒于崩溃的边缘。Marriage breakdown in the West has reached epidemic proportions.在西方,婚姻破裂已达到了流行的地步。Your behaviour is driving me into a nervous breakdown.你的行为逼得我要发神经病了。He argues that the breakdown in the legal system has spawned a black market.他认为司法体系的不健全导致了黑市的出现。Susan had a mental breakdown and was diagnosed with schizophrenia.苏珊精神崩溃,被诊断为得了精神分裂症。He prepared a breakdown of the report.他写了一篇文章分析这一报道。It didn't come as a shock to learn that the fuel and cooling systems are the most common causes of breakdown.燃油和冷却系统是造成故障的最常见的原因,这一点不奇怪。The organisers were given a breakdown of the costs.向组织者提供了一份开支细目。If there were a breakdown of law and order, the army might be tempted to intervene.如果法治彻底崩坏,军方就可能介入。Crime is one of the symptoms of social breakdown.犯罪是社会崩坏的一个征兆。Frequent equipment breakdown has been a problem at the factory.设备故障频出一直是这家工厂面临的难题。She is not herself. She came near to a breakdown.她身体不舒服,简直要崩溃了。Please provide us with a breakdown of expenditure by department.请给我们一份各部门开支的明细表。I'm worried about Molly. She looks as if she's heading for a nervous breakdown.我很担心莫莉。她看上去神经似乎要崩溃了。Most breakdown services give priority to women travelling alone.大多数故障救险组织优先救援独自旅行的女性。He blamed me totally for our marriage breakdown.他把婚姻失败完全归咎于我。There had been a complete breakdown of trust and confidence.信用和信心曾经一度完全崩溃。He warned that the breakdown of the family unit would lead to an impoverished society.他警告说,家庭单位的解体会导致社会的衰败。Doing/Providing a breakdown of the statistics into categories will take time.把这些统计数据进行分门别类需要一些时间。I had a nervous breakdown, everything just seemed to cave in on top of me.我曾经有过一次精神崩溃,好像天塌了一样。As her debts piled up, she came close to a nervous breakdown.她的债务不断增加,使得她几乎要神经崩溃了。Cars should cross the desert in convoy in case there is a breakdown.汽车应该结伴穿越沙漠,以防抛锚。A mechanical breakdown during the race would mean defeat.比赛中机械出故障的话就意味着要输了。The library's database enables breakdown by title, author, and genre.图书馆的数据库可以通过书名、作者和体裁分类信息来查询。Extrinsic forces were responsible for the breakdown of the peace talks.和谈破裂,外部压力难辞其咎。She's a real slave driver. One of her secretaries had a nervous breakdown last year.她真苛刻,去年她有个秘书都精神崩溃了。We had a breakdown on the highway. 我们的车在公路上抛锚了。It was plain to him that I was having a nervous breakdown.他明显看出我快要精神崩溃了。Noisy classrooms are a symptom of a breakdown in authority.课堂喧哗吵闹是教师丧失威信的一个征兆。The stress of her job had brought her to the brink of a nervous breakdown.工作的压力让她几乎精神崩溃。After news of this new court case Ford broke down again, though he blamed the breakdown on his work.福特听到这一场新官司的消息后再次精神崩溃,尽管他说自己是因为工作才这样的。His mother was in a psychiatric hospital after suffering a mental breakdown.他母亲在精神崩溃之后住进一家精神病院。She was on the verge of a nervous breakdown when she finally sought help.她最终求助时已经濒临精神崩溃的边缘。People try to justify the breakdown of their marriage by blaming their spouse.人们试图通过把责任归咎于配偶来为婚姻失败作辩解。If you don't slow down you're going to have a breakdown.你如果不放慢节奏会神经衰弱的。I think Sam's headed for a nervous breakdown.我看萨姆可能很快就会神经崩溃。I think he's having some sort of middle-aged breakdown.我认为他正在经历中年特有的那种精神崩溃。He suffered a mental breakdown.他受精神崩溃的折磨。He seemed oblivious to the fact that his wife was on the edge of a nervous breakdown.他妻子到了精神崩溃的边缘,对此他似乎一点儿都未察觉。




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