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词汇 乞求
例句 He begged me to reconsider.乞求我再考虑一下。You could scrounge a free boat ride.你可以乞求免费坐一次船。I beg you, from the bottom of my heart, to spare his life.我真心乞求你饶他一命。The prisoner begged the judge to have mercy.犯人乞求法官怜悯。He was forced to ask for their help on bended knee. 他被迫低三下四地乞求他们的帮助。When I begged her for forgiveness, she just gave me a supercilious look.当我向她乞求原谅时,她只给了我一个目中无人的脸色。Yes, I do want him to give me the job, but I refuse to beg!是的,我确实想让他给我那份工作,但我不会乞求In great fear, Meliagrance begged grace of the Queen.惊恐万状的米利亚格兰斯乞求女王垂怜。We'll never solicit a compromise peace.我们决不乞求委曲求全的和平。She really did a number on her old boyfriend, making him beg her to come back and then turning him down.她真的好好治了一下前男朋友,让他乞求自己回心转意,而后却又拒绝了他。She begged the soldiers to spare her son's life.乞求那些士兵饶她儿子一命。She would ask for help, but would not beg for it on bended knee.她会寻求帮助,但绝不会卑躬屈膝地乞求All our entreaties were in vain.我们的乞求全是枉然。The museum has been reduced to begging for funding.这家博物馆已经沦落到乞求经费的境地。He got down on his knees and begged forgiveness. = He got down on his knees and begged to be forgiven.他跪下乞求原谅。Cross decided to beg and wheedle a bit.克罗斯决定用上点乞求和哄骗。He scorned begging for help.他鄙视乞求援助。He went on his knees begging for his job back.他跪下乞求恢复原来的工作。We will implore and beseech God for the accordance of grace to this magnificent benefactor.我们乞求上帝赐恩惠于这位高尚的捐助者。All right, all right, I'll come! Just stop begging.好了好了,我过来!你别乞求了。I wouldn't demean myself by begging him for a job.我不会降低自己的身份去向他乞求一份工作。He begged her for forgiveness.乞求她的原谅。The prisoner begged the judge to have mercy on him.犯人乞求法官怜悯他。Kathleen looked at him pleadingly.凯瑟琳乞求地看着他。He implored their help.乞求他们的帮助。The men begged the priest to give them asylum.这些人乞求牧师为他们提供避难所。




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