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例句 They received an outpouring of money for their charity.他们收到大量的钱作为慈善事业之用Is it better to spend your money today or hoard every penny in the bank for tomorrow?现在就把钱花掉好,还是把所有的钱存入银行以备将来之用好? I filed the documents away for future reference.我把文件归档,以备未来之用Read these notes carefully and keep them for future reference.仔细阅读这些注释并将其保留下来以备将来之用He sets some money apart for a vacation each year.他每年拨出些钱供度假之用This is land being held for future expansion.这片土地留作日后扩展之用There's a fire blanket on the kitchen wall in case of emergencies.厨房墙壁上挂有灭火毯作应急之用This room is only used for grand occasions. 这个房间仅供重大场合之用The land has been developed for tourism and other recreational uses.这块土地被开发作旅游及其他娱乐之用She dug up some useful material for her composition.她找到了一些有用的材料,供作文之用The land has been cleared ready for building.这块地已清理妥当作建筑之用The land is destined for a new hospital.这块土地已被划作建造一家新医院之用The film was later used for propaganda purposes.这部电影后来被作为宣传之用I raked this old blanket out for camping.我翻出这块旧毯子以备野营之用These numbers are for illustrative purposes only.这些数字只作为说明问题之用The following tables are examples, for the purposes of illustration only, of the performance of small businesses.下列表格是小企业经营情况的例子,仅供举例说明之用This money is destined for a new house.这笔钱预备作购买新房之用Several games were provided for the education and amusement of the children.有一些游戏供孩子们的教育和娱乐之用The land was sold for development.这片土地被出售以供开发之用She has a small office that is used for private discussions.她有一间小办公室,做密谈之用He made over his house for use as a hospital.他把房屋让出作为医院之用We use the basement for storage.我们把地下室作储藏之用The hospital needs to keep some beds free for emergencies.医院必须空出一些床位以备急诊之用I should have started saving for my retirement when I was younger.我本应该早一些开始存钱以备退休之用The college threw out a new wing for science studies.学院在教学大楼旁增建新侧楼供理科教学之用The land was sold for development.这块土地被出售供开发之用He applied a portion of his salary to savings.他把工资一部分拨作储蓄之用




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