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词汇 主旨
例句 He would be setting out his plans for the party in a keynote speech.他将在其主旨发言中阐述他对该党的计划。The mayor will keynote the convention.市长将在大会上作主旨发言。For all its faults, the film presents a clear message.该片尽管有种种不足,但还是表达了一个清晰的主旨Not upsetting the team was certainly the keynote of the manager's message.主教练所表达意思的主旨肯定是不要让队员们难过。People ignored the main point of the speech and quibbled about its length.人们忽略了这次演讲的主旨,而对演讲的长度纠缠不休。Many theories on punishment exist, all of which are variations on a theme.关于惩罚的理论有很多,虽形式略有不同,但其主旨都是一样的。The gist of his argument is that full employment is impossible.他辩论的主旨是,全面就业是不可能的。The whole point was to get away from a Christian-centred view of religion.主旨就是要抛开以基督教为中心的宗教观。I didn't follow the speech exactly, but I caught the main drift of what was being said.我没有完全听懂讲演,但领会了其主旨Keeping inflation low is the keystone of their economic policy.将通货膨胀率保持在较低水平是他们经济政策的主旨The conductor brought home the full thrust of the work's emotional resolution.指挥将该作品情感上的毅然决然这一主旨充分表现了出来。The essence of the workshops is to enable the participant to tap into their own creativity.研讨班的主旨就是使参加者充分发挥他们自己的创造力。The substance of his discussions doesn't really matter.他讨论的主旨实际上无关紧要。I think the tenor of the discussions has been pretty positive.我觉得这些讨论的主旨相当积极乐观。The whole tenor of discussions has changed.讨论的整个主旨变了。You should clearly state your main idea at the beginning of the essay.你应该在文章的开头就明确地阐明自己的主旨The Secretary General delivered the keynote address at the conference.秘书长在会上作了主旨发言。Unprecedented change has been the keynote of the electronic revolution.前所未有的变化是电子革命的主旨The conference will begin with a keynote presentation by a leading industry figure.本次会议开始时将由企业界的一位领军人物发表主旨讲话。Who will deliver the keynote address?谁将致主旨演说?I thought the whole point of the meeting was to decide which offer to accept.我认为这次会议的主旨是决定接受哪一个提议。The film makes its points with cogency and force.影片强有力地阐明了主旨Students are encouraged to read the text, getting the gist, then go deeper into the meaning.鼓励学生要通读课文,找出主旨,然后再深入发掘其内涵。Many of the convention guests left after the keynote address.许多与会嘉宾在主旨发言后离开了会场。The proposed law was a central plank in the manifesto.拟议中的法律是这项宣言的主旨




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