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例句 He would often yell at his wife until he had reduced her to tears.他常常会对妻子大叫大嚷,直到她流泪为止They say they have nothing to lose and will continue protesting until the government vetoes the agreement.他们说自己一无所有,不怕失去什么,所以会继续抗议直到政府否决协议为止This is the hottest day we've had so far this summer.今天是今年夏天到现在为止最热的一天。Whisk the mixture until it is smooth and creamy.把混合物搅拌到均匀细腻为止We're going to keep on searching until we find her.我们准备继续搜寻,直到找到她为止Hammer in the pegs until all are level.用榔头把这些楔子敲进去,直到齐平为止Until this week, every attempt to tighten up the law had failed.到本周为止,一切旨在严格执法的努力都失败了。Add the sour cream and cook, stirring, until just warm.加点儿酸奶,边煮边搅动,直到微温为止The police staked out the building until they caught the vandals.警方一直监视那座建筑物,直到他们抓到破坏者为止Beat the mixture until it is light and fluffy.把混合物搅打到松软为止Until now, there has been no effective treatment for this disease.到现在为止,这种疾病还没有找到有效的治疗方法。He kept digging until he hit water.他不停地挖,直到挖出水为止The team will continue with their drills until the coach is satisfied with their performance.球队将继续训练,直到教练对他们的表现满意为止They will be staying with us for the immediate future until things are sorted out.在接下来的一段时间里他们将和我们待在一起,直到事情理顺为止They could see that I was terrified, and hid me until the gunmen had disappeared.他们能看出我吓坏了,就把我藏起来,直到枪手消失为止He is fully justified in leaving the matter at that.他有充分的理由把事情只做到那一步为止Beat milk into the dry ingredients until the mixture thickens.把牛奶倒入干配料内,搅拌到混合料变稠为止The slaughter thousands of innocent US citizens would have been inconceivable until recently.直到发生了最近的事件为止,屠杀数千名无辜的美国公民是难以想象的事。The offer is only available while stocks last.特价优惠售完为止Keep the lid on the pan until the liquid comes to the boil.盖上锅盖直到液体沸腾为止So far no linguist has given us a satisfactory account of how children learn language.到现在为止还没有一位语言学家给我们作出满意的解释,儿童是如何学习语言的。This mountainous road keeps meandering toward the East until it reaches the sea.这条山路一直朝东蜿蜒而行,到达海边为止They put the screws on him until he paid up.他们给他施加压力,直到他把钱全部付清为止We scrubbed and scrubbed until the floor was clean.我们一遍又一遍地擦洗,直到地板干净为止Until now the Democrats have zealously opposed any reduction in the Healthcare budget.直到现在为止,民主党人都在强烈地反对减少医疗保健方面的预算。Continue cooking until the meat is tender.一直烧到肉松软了为止All planes are grounded until the fog clears.所有的飞机都停飞,直至雾散为止They poured more and more milk into the jug until it was absolutely full to the brim.他们往罐子里倒的牛奶越来越多,一直到彻底灌满为止They would not rest until they had exacted revenge.他们决不罢休,直到报了仇为止He sat out a long Sunday morning in the church.他星期日整整一上午坐在教堂做礼拜直到结束为止The ingredients should be blended together until they are smooth.各种成分要搅拌到均匀为止Turn the bulb until it locks.转动灯泡,直到固定住为止Keep going till you come to a crossroads.一直走到十字路口为止He will be suspended from work until such time as this matter has been resolved.他将被留职查看直到这件事情解决为止The company has been pursuing Holton for some time, but so far he has rejected all their offers.该公司一直想聘用霍尔登,但至今为止他拒绝了他们提供的所有条件。He lived in Boston until quite recently.直到最近为止他一直住在波士顿。Walk on till you come to the gate.一直向前走,走到大门为止The wooden tables had been polished until they shone.木桌子被打磨到发亮为止Until a few years ago, there was a taboo around the subject of divorce.直到几年前为止,离婚一直是个忌讳的话题。Baby monkeys cling to their mothers’ bodies until they are old enough to start climbing by themselves.小猴子紧紧抱住母猴的身体,直到它们长大可以独立爬树为止




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